Cracking gatekeeper.pattern.key

移动安全 3年前 (2021) admin
557 0 0



0x00 gatekeeper.pattern.key






0x01 解密


Cracking gatekeeper.pattern.key


     2.下一步,我们使用X-Ways Forensics 加载该文件,并看到


Cracking gatekeeper.pattern.key



Cracking gatekeeper.pattern.key



#!/usr/bin/python# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-import structimport binasciiimport scryptN = 16384;r = 8;p = 1; 
f=open('gatekeeper.pattern.key', 'rb') #读取gatekeeper.pattern.key文件blob = s = struct.Struct('<'+'17s 8s 32s')(meta, salt, signature) = s.unpack_from(blob) #提取其中关键的信息
f1=open('password.txt','r') #读取字典lines=f1.readlines()for data in lines:    password=data.strip()    to_hash = meta    to_hash += password #将字典中读取的密码和meta信息组合成to_hash hash = scrypt.hash(to_hash, salt, N, r, p) print 'signature %s' % signature.encode('hex')    print 'Hash:      %s' % hash[0:32].encode('hex') #取hash值的前32位    print 'Equal:     %s' % (hash[0:32] == signature)        if hash[0:32] == signature: #如果相同,程序结束 print "OK"        exit()



Cracking gatekeeper.pattern.key

file1=open('password.txt','a')for a in "123456789":    for b in "123456789":        for c in "123456789":            for d in "123456789":                for e in "123456789":                    for f in "123456789":                        for g in "123456789":                            for h in "123456789":                                for i in "123456789":                                    if a != b and a != c and a != d and a != e and a != f and a!= g  and a != h and a!= i                                         and b != c and b!= d and  b != e and b != f and b!= g  and b != h and b!= i                                         and c!= d and c != e and c != f and c!= g  and c != h and c!= i                                        and d != e and d != f and d!= g and d != h and d!= i                                        and e != f and e!= g  and e != h and e!= i                                        and f!= g  and f != h and f!= i                                        and g != h and g!= i                                        and h!= i:                                        password = a + b + c + d + e + f + g + h + i                                        file1.write(password+'n')file1.close()


0x02 运行该脚本(建议在Python2环境下运行),Pattern Get!

Cracking gatekeeper.pattern.key

0x03 解锁成功!

Cracking gatekeeper.pattern.key

Cracking gatekeeper.pattern.key

原文始发于微信公众号(电子取证及可信应用协创中心):Cracking gatekeeper.pattern.key

版权声明:admin 发表于 2021年5月16日 下午11:05。
转载请注明:Cracking gatekeeper.pattern.key | CTF导航


