SSL Pinning bypass (Android Emulator)

SSL Pinning bypass (Android Emulator)

Over the weekend, I was taking a look at an application which implemented SSL pinning. Here’s the technique I used to bypass pinning and view the raw requests sent to the application server which then helped me to uncover crucial details about the application’s functionality.

Prerequisites 先决条件

  • An android emulator of choice

  • Burpsuite (installed on host machine)

  • Python packages Python 包

    • objection

      If you face issues post-installation:

        pip install --upgrade setuptools
    • frida

    • frida-tools

Configure Burp Proxy 配置 Burp 代理

on host

SSL Pinning bypass (Android Emulator)

on emulator

SSL Pinning bypass (Android Emulator)

Install Certificate onto emulator

SSL Pinning bypass (Android Emulator)

Launch the browser and head to http://burp and download the CA Certificate.
启动浏览器并下载 http://burp CA证书。

SSL Pinning bypass (Android Emulator)

Make sure to rename the cert to <name>.cer via the file manager.
确保通过文件管理器将证书重命名为 <name>.cer 。

SSL Pinning bypass (Android Emulator)

Then head to the certificate settings on the respective emulator and install the newly downloaded certificate.

Frida Server Frida 服务器

Releases · frida/frida (
发布 ·弗里达/弗里达 (

SSL Pinning bypass (Android Emulator)

SSL Pinning bypass (Android Emulator)

download the unzip the respective frida-server versions, extract it and move it to the bin location of your emulator. In my case : D:\Program Files\Nox\bin
下载解压缩相应的 frida-server 版本,将其解压缩并将其移动到模拟器的 bin 位置。就我而言: D:\Program Files\Nox\bin

adb devices

SSL Pinning bypass (Android Emulator)

verify that the adb interface is attached to the device.
验证 ADB 接口是否已连接到设备。

adb push frida /data/local/tmp

SSL Pinning bypass (Android Emulator)

Push the frida binary to the device via ADB.
通过 ADB 将 frida 二进制文件推送到设备。

D:\Program Files\Nox\bin>adb shell

cd /data/local/tmp/
chmod +x frida

SSL Pinning bypass (Android Emulator)

Give the binary execute permissions.

./frida &

SSL Pinning bypass (Android Emulator)

Run frida server in the background.
在后台运行 frida 服务器。

Bypass SSL Pinning 绕过 SSL 固定

There are a ton of scripts developed by the community for frida which you can find here. We’ll be making use of the frida-multiple-unpinning script for our use case.
社区为 frida 开发了大量脚本,您可以在此处找到这些脚本。我们将在用例中使用该 frida-multiple-unpinning 脚本。

frida --codeshare akabe1/frida-multiple-unpinning -U -f

SSL Pinning bypass (Android Emulator)

SSL Pinning bypass (Android Emulator)

SSL Pinning bypass (Android Emulator)

We can verify that the X AKA twitter app has opened up and the SSL pinning bypass is in effect.
我们可以验证 X AKA twitter 应用程序是否已打开,并且 SSL 固定绕过是否有效。

SSL Pinning bypass (Android Emulator)

We can then take a look at burp and ensure that we are able to see the raw requests sent by the X app to its api server.
然后,我们可以查看打嗝,并确保我们能够看到 X 应用程序发送到其 api 服务器的原始请求。

原文始发于NeeSSL Pinning bypass (Android Emulator)

版权声明:admin 发表于 2024年1月15日 下午9:48。
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