NHow a Race Condition Vulnerability Could Cast Multiple Votes

This blog was originally posted on Medium by Dane Sherrets. 这篇博客最初由Dane Sherrets发表在Medium上。 Race condition vulnerabilities make up...

NSoumniBot: the new Android banker’s unique techniques

The creators of widespread malware programs often employ various tools that hinder code detection and analysis, and Android malware is no exception...


In this excerpt of a Trend Micro Vulnerability Research Service vulnerability report, Guy Lederfein and Jason McFadyen of the Trend Micro Research ...

NPassbolt: a bold use of HaveIBeenPwned

Passbolt, an Open Source Password Manager, is using the Pwned Passwords service from HaveIBeenPwned to alert users if their password is present in ...

NFake Dialog Boxes to Make Malware More Convincing

Let’s explore how SpiderLabs created and incorporated user prompts, specifically Windows dialog boxes into its malware loader to make it more convi...

NA quick post on Chen’s algorithm

Update (April 19): Yilei Chen announced the discovery of a bug in the algorithm, which he does not know how to fix. This was independently discover...

NProtecting the Automotive Industry from APT Attacks in the Era of Industry 4.0

Introduction 介绍 The automotive industry has long attracted cyber threat groups due to its expansive reach, encompassing vehicle manufacturing tec...


近期的一个视频,一位大哥直接上演 - 搞掉路边的路灯,在物联网研究论坛有点起火,根据帖子的内容,@giammaiot2也直接将笔记本连接的设备给圈了出来,在它的...

NTP-Link Archer AX-21路由器 任意命令执行漏洞 CVE-2023-1389

漏洞名称TP-Link Archer AX-21路由器 任意命令执行漏洞 CVE-2023-1389漏洞复现1、替换需要执行的命令POST /cgi-bin/luci/;stok=/locale?form=country HTTP/1....

Nvctf apples leak libc操作复现(高版本libc overlapping)

题目中存在off_by_one libc版本2.34以上我们没办法使用常规的overlapping 泄露libc地址。所以我们要精心构造一个chunk head来绕过新版本的检查机制,实现leak...
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