A quick post on Chen’s algorithm

密码学 5个月前 admin
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If you’re a normal person — that is, a person who doesn’t obsessively follow the latest cryptography news — you probably missed last week’s cryptography bombshell. That news comes in the form of a new e-print authored by Yilei Chen, “Quantum Algorithms for Lattice Problems“, which has roiled the cryptography research community. The result is now being evaluated by experts in lattices and quantum algorithm design (and to be clear, I am not one!) but if it holds up, it’s going to be quite a bad day/week/month/year for the applied cryptography community.

Rather than elaborate at length, here’s quick set of five bullet-points giving the background.

(1) Cryptographers like to build modern public-key encryption schemes on top of mathematical problems that are believed to be “hard”. In practice, we need problems with a specific structure: we can construct efficient solutions for those who hold a secret key, or “trapdoor”, and yet also admit no efficient solution for folks who don’t. While many problems have been considered (and often discarded), most schemes we use today are based on three problems: factoring (the RSA cryptosystem), discrete logarithm (Diffie-Hellman, DSA) and elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem (EC-Diffie-Hellman, ECDSA etc.)
(1)密码学家喜欢在被认为是“困难”的数学问题之上构建现代公钥加密方案。在实践中,我们需要具有特定结构的问题:我们可以为那些拥有密钥或“活板门”的人构建有效的解决方案,但对于那些没有密钥的人,我们也承认没有有效的解决方案。虽然已经考虑了许多问题(并且经常被丢弃),但我们今天使用的大多数方案都基于三个问题:因式分解(RSA 密码系统)、离散对数(Diffie-Hellman,DSA)和椭圆曲线离散对数问题(EC-Diffie-Hellman,ECDSA 等)。

(2) While we would like to believe our favorite problems are fundamentally “hard”, we know this isn’t really true. Researchers have devised algorithms that solve all of these problems quite efficiently (i.e., in polynomial time) — provided someone figures out how to build a quantum computer powerful enough to run the attack algorithms. Fortunately such a computer has not yet been built!

(3) Even though quantum computers are not yet powerful enough to break our public-key crypto, the mere threat of future quantum attacks has inspired industry, government and academia to join forces Fellowship-of-the-Ring-style in order to tackle the problem right now. This isn’t merely about future-proofing our systems: even if quantum computers take decades to build, future quantum computers could break encrypted messages we send today!

(4) One conspicuous outcome of this fellowship is NIST’s Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC) competition: this was an open competition designed to standardize “post-quantum” cryptographic schemes. Critically, these schemes must be based on different mathematical problems — most notably, problems that don’t seem to admit efficient quantum solutions.

(5) Within this new set of schemes, the most popular class of schemes are based on problems related to mathematical objects called lattices. NIST-approved schemes based on lattice problems include Kyber and Dilithium (which I wrote about recently.) Lattice problems are also the basis of several efficient fully-homomorphic encryption (FHE) schemes.

This background sets up the new result.

Chen’s (not yet peer-reviewed) preprint claims a new quantum algorithm that efficiently solves the “shortest independent vector problem” (SIVP, as well as GapSVP) in lattices with specific parameters. If it holds up, the result could (with numerous important caveats) allow future quantum computers to break schemes that depend on the hardness of specific instances of these problems. The good news here is that even if the result is correct, the vulnerable parameters are very specific: Chen’s algorithm does not immediately apply to the recently-standardized NIST algorithms such as Kyber or Dilithium. Moreover, the exact concrete complexity of the algorithm is not instantly clear: it may turn out to be impractical to run, even if quantum computers become available.

But there is a saying in our field that attacks only get better. If Chen’s result can be improved upon, then quantum algorithms could render obsolete an entire generation of “post-quantum” lattice-based schemes, forcing cryptographers and industry back to the drawing board.

In other words, both a great technical result — and possibly a mild disaster.

As previously mentioned: I am neither an expert in lattice-based cryptography nor quantum computing. The folks who are those things are very busy trying to validate the writeup: and more than a few big results have fallen apart upon detailed inspection. For those searching for the latest developments, here’s a nice writeup by Nigel Smart that doesn’t tackle the correctness of the quantum algorithm (see updates at the bottom), but does talk about the possible implications for FHE and PQC schemes (TL;DR: bad for some FHE schemes, but really depends on the concrete details of the algorithm’s running time.) And here’s another brief note on a “bug” that was found in the paper, that seems to have been quickly addressed by the author.
如前所述:我既不是基于格的密码学专家,也不是量子计算方面的专家。那些做这些事情的人非常忙于验证这篇文章:在详细检查后,许多重大结果已经分崩离析。对于那些寻找最新发展的人来说,这里有一篇不错的文章,作者 Nigel Smart 没有解决量子算法的正确性(见底部的更新),但确实谈到了对 FHE 和 PQC 方案的可能影响(TL;DR:对某些 FHE 方案不利,但实际上取决于算法运行时间的具体细节。这是关于论文中发现的“错误”的另一个简短说明,作者似乎很快就解决了这个问题。

Up until this week I had intended to write another long wonky post about complexity theory, lattices, and what it all meant for applied cryptography. But now I hope you’ll forgive me if I hold onto that one, for just a little bit longer.

原文始发于Matthew Green:A quick post on Chen’s algorithm

版权声明:admin 发表于 2024年4月17日 下午6:32。
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