技术说|挑战0解薛定谔!RWCTF6th PyGhost——symlink提权!

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技术说|挑战0解薛定谔!RWCTF6th PyGhost——symlink提权!


技术说|挑战0解薛定谔!RWCTF6th PyGhost——symlink提权!

这是一道2024年Real world CTF 0解题,人称“薛定谔”。如果你对CTF比赛、漏洞分析与挖掘、Windows操作系统特性这些领域感兴趣,这篇文章绝对不容错过!

在本文中,作者深入剖析了2024年Real world CTF 6th比赛中挑战难度很高的本地提权(Local Privilege Escalation)题目:PyGhost,同时涵盖了对 CVE-2023-49797 漏洞的详细分析。







本题目来自2024 年RealworldCTF 6th。题目类型为Pwn, Misc。题目难度为薛定谔。题目在比赛结束时解出人数为0。此文章是对此题目的赛后复盘。


This is an LPE(Local Privilege Escalation) challenge. Your task is to pop a highly-privileged(nt authoritysystem) cmd.exe as a low-privileged user. Follow these steps to deploy the challenge locally:

  1. download and install the virtual machine from: https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/downloads/virtual-machines/

  2. execute the installer (installer.exe in the attachment) as Administrator

  3. the installer will set up the vulnerable component. You can then attempt to find the vulnerability and exploit it

Notes about the demo:

  1. Send your exploit archive file to email and DM on Discord when you’re ready. Meanwhile, the email should also contains your team name and team token

  2. You can choose to demo your exploit publicly or privately, according to your preference. If you choose to demo publicly, the entire process will be visible to everyone, so remember to remove sensitive information. If you choose to demo privately, we will set up a private discord channel that only includes the admin and your team members

  3. Our demo VM is slightly configured, including:

    a. Windows Defender is disabled. You don’t have to contend with it.

    b. A standard user(not in the Administrator group, with the username being ctf) is created for demo purposes. We will run your exploit in the context of the standard user.

  4. If your exploit needs multiple steps, please batch them in a single file. We will only execute one of your files and then wait for the result without more user interaction

I will not accept more than 3 emails per team. If you really need more, you will need to explain to me in detail why you messed up your first 3 tries and convince me that you deserve a 4th chance.

The running time for each try cannot exceed 3 minutes.

I will reward you with the flag if the highly-privileged cmd.exe pops up.

此题目需要选手在Windows平台上以BUILTINUsers组用户权限执行一系列操作,获得一个以NT AUTHORITYSYSTEM权限运行的cmd.exe。从题目描述中我们不难分析得,installer.exe以Administrator权限运行后会注册成一个漏洞组件,可以初步猜测选手需要写程序与这个组件进行交互,在此过程中劫持某些资源,来获得高执行权限。



技术说|挑战0解薛定谔!RWCTF6th PyGhost——symlink提权!

使用service.msc寻找蛛丝马迹,找到了一个叫try to hack me的服务。此服务的服务名称是RWCTF,可执行路径是C:WindowsTempserver.exe。

技术说|挑战0解薛定谔!RWCTF6th PyGhost——symlink提权!


技术说|挑战0解薛定谔!RWCTF6th PyGhost——symlink提权!


此时使用procexp可以看到server.exe的运行权限是NT AUTHORITYSYSTEM的,证明高权限的任意写入/重命名/删除是可能存在的。


```pythonimport socketimport win32serviceutilimport servicemanagerimport win32eventimport win32serviceimport win32pipeimport win32securityimport win32fileimport pywintypesimport randomimport matplotlib.pyplot as pltimport numpy as npimport osimport sysimport shutil

class SMWinservice(win32serviceutil.ServiceFramework): _svc_name_ = "RWCTF" _svc_display_name_ = 'try to hack me' _svc_description_ = ''
@classmethod def parse_command_line(cls): if len(sys.argv) == 1: servicemanager.Initialize() servicemanager.PrepareToHostSingle() servicemanager.StartServiceCtrlDispatcher() win32serviceutil.HandleCommandLine(cls) else: win32serviceutil.HandleCommandLine(cls) def __init__(self, args): win32serviceutil.ServiceFramework.__init__(self, args) self.hWaitStop = win32event.CreateEvent(None, 0, 0, None) socket.setdefaulttimeout(60) def SvcStop(self): self.stop() self.ReportServiceStatus(win32service.SERVICE_STOP_PENDING) win32event.SetEvent(self.hWaitStop) def SvcDoRun(self): self.start() servicemanager.LogMsg(servicemanager.EVENTLOG_INFORMATION_TYPE, servicemanager.PYS_SERVICE_STARTED, self._svc_name_) self.main() def start(self): pass def stop(self): pass def main(self): pass

class RWCTFService(SMWinservice): __qualname__ = 'RWCTFService' _svc_name_ = 'RWCTF' _svc_display_name_ = 'try to hack me' _svc_description_ = ''
def start(self): self.LICENSE = 'n The Star And Thank Author License (SATA)n Version 2.0, April 2021nnCopyright <2024> <RWCTF>([email protected])nnProject Url: https://realworldctf.com/nnPermission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copynof this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to dealnin the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rightsnto use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sellncopies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software isnfurnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:nnThe above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included innall copies or substantial portions of the Software.nnAnd wait, the most important, you should star/+1/like the project(s) in project urlnsection above first, and then thank the author(s) in Copyright section.nnHere are some suggested ways:nn - Email the authors a thank-you letter, and make friends with him/her/them.n - Report bugs or issues.n - Tell friends what a wonderful project this is.n - And, sure, you can just express thanks in your mind without telling the world.nnContributors of this project by forking have the option to add his/her name andnforked project url at copyright and project url sections, but shall not deletenor modify anything else in these two sections.nnTHE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS ORnIMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,nFITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THEnAUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHERnLIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM,nOUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS INnTHE SOFTWARE.n' self.output_directory = 'C:\Windows\Temp' self.output_prefix = 'C:\Windows\Temp\res.' self.isrunning = True def stop(self): try: self.isrunning = False except FileNotFoundError: self.isrunning = False except: raise def challenge(self, option, key): RAND_32_64 = lambda: random.randint(32, 64) nonce = '' if option == b'png': nonce = random.getrandbits(RAND_32_64()) + 1 elif option == b'jpg': nonce = random.getrandbits(RAND_32_64()) * 2 elif option == b'eps': nonce = random.getrandbits(RAND_32_64()) + 4660 elif option == b'svg': nonce = random.getrandbits(RAND_32_64()) - 61769 elif option == b'pgf': nonce = random.getrandbits(RAND_32_64()) % random.getrandbits(RAND_32_64()) elif option == b'pdf': nonce = random.getrandbits(RAND_32_64()) // random.getrantbits(random.randint(2, 10)) else: return False if key == nonce: return True else: return False def loop(self, pipeHandle, data): RAND_0_100 = lambda: random.randint(0, 100) pieces = data.split(b'|') option = pieces[1] key = int(pieces[2]) if option == b'png': if self.challenge(option, key): x = np.linspace(0, 10, 200) plt.plot(x, np.sin(x)) plt.plot(x, np.cos(x)) plt.savefig(self.output_prefix + str(RAND_0_100()) + '.png') return None elif option == b'jpg': if self.challenge(option, key): l = [1, 2, 3, 4] plt.plot(l) plt.ylabel('some number') plt.savefig(self.output_prefix + str(RAND_0_100()) + '.jpg') return None elif option == b'svg': if self.challenge(option, key): x = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'] y = [3, 8, 1, 10] plt.bar(x, y) plt.savefig(self.output_prefix + str(RAND_0_100()) + '.svg') return None elif option == b'pdf': if self.challenge(option, key): x = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] y = [1, 4, 9, 16, 25] plt.figure() plt.plot(x, y) plt.title('My first matplotlib plot') plt.xlabel('X') plt.ylabel('Y') plt.savefig(self.output_prefix + str(RAND_0_100()) + '.pdf') return None elif option == b'LICENSE': win32file.WriteFile(pipeHandle, 'Please read the LICENSE carefully: n' + self.LICENSE) return None elif option == b'I give up': pipeHandle.Close() self.stop() return None else: return 0 """ 通过反汇编能看出有这段,但是 try catch 的位置还没确认怎么放,不过这个影响不大 try: except Exception as e: servicemanager.LogMsg(servicemanager.EVENTLOG_INFORMATION_TYPE, servicemanager.PYS_SERVICE_STARTED, (self._svc_name_, str(e))) e = None del e else: e = None del e """ def main(self): while self.isrunning: pipeName = '\\.\pipe\rwctf' openMode = win32pipe.PIPE_ACCESS_DUPLEX | win32file.FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED pipeMode = win32pipe.PIPE_TYPE_MESSAGE ACL = 'D:(A;;GA;;;SY)(A;;GA;;;BA)(A;;GA;;;AU)' sd = win32security.ConvertStringSecurityDescriptorToSecurityDescriptor(ACL, win32security.SDDL_REVISION_1) sa = pywintypes.SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES() sa.SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR = sd pipeHandle = win32pipe.CreateNamedPipe( pipeName, openMode, pipeMode, win32pipe.PIPE_UNLIMITED_INSTANCES, 0, 0, 6000, sa) # !!! 待检查 while self.isrunning: hr = win32pipe.ConnectNamedPipe(pipeHandle, None) hr, data = win32file.ReadFile(pipeHandle, 256) self.loop(pipeHandle, data) win32pipe.DisconnectNamedPipe(pipeHandle) """ 整个结构应该是包含在 while 里面的 同样也有一个 try-catch 虽然不确定位置但是影响不大 while self.isrunning: # ... while self.isrunning: # ... return None try: except Exception as details: NULL + print('Error connecting pipe!', details) pipeHandle.NULL | self + Close() details = None del details continue else: details = None del details """
if __name__ == "__main__": RWCTFService.parse_command_line()```

代码实现了一个根据传入的信息进行matplotlib画图的功能,代码本身的价值不大。由于过于专注于matplotlib的写入部分,导致本人做题时没有去关注服务本身的问题。通过分析代码,基本可以得出通过challenge基本是不可能的。因此不可能通过文件写入的方式进行提权。用到的部分仅仅是“I give up”结束服务的过程中文件夹的删除,以下是相关的分析过程:

Pyinstaller 漏洞分析



  1. 用户在代码中使用了matplotlib或者win32com

  2. 程序以Administrator运行(或者至少比攻击者权限高)

  3. 用户的临时文件夹不属于特定用户(TMP/TEMP指向一个Public的,不受保护的文件夹)



def _rmtree_unsafe(path, onexc): try: with os.scandir(path) as scandir_it: entries = list(scandir_it) except OSError as err: onexc(os.scandir, path, err) entries = [] for entry in entries: fullname = entry.path try: is_dir = entry.is_dir(follow_symlinks=False) except OSError: is_dir = False
if is_dir and not entry.is_junction(): try: if entry.is_symlink(): # This can only happen if someone replaces # a directory with a symlink after the call to # os.scandir or entry.is_dir above. raise OSError("Cannot call rmtree on a symbolic link") except OSError as err: onexc(os.path.islink, fullname, err) continue _rmtree_unsafe(fullname, onexc) else: try: os.unlink(fullname) except OSError as err: onexc(os.unlink, fullname, err) try: os.rmdir(path) except OSError as err: onexc(os.rmdir, path, err)



  1. 代码检查test为文件夹,不是junction,并且不是symlink,通过检查。

  2. 代码开始删除test下的文件。

  3. 在删除的过程中,test被替换成symlink。

  4. 由于test下的文件已经被list记录,那么在程序删除这个文件之前主动删除掉这个文件,程序还会再尝试删除这个文件。




技术说|挑战0解薛定谔!RWCTF6th PyGhost——symlink提权!



技术说|挑战0解薛定谔!RWCTF6th PyGhost——symlink提权!



技术说|挑战0解薛定谔!RWCTF6th PyGhost——symlink提权!

技术说|挑战0解薛定谔!RWCTF6th PyGhost——symlink提权!


  1. 建立 tmptest。

  2. 布置大量文件”%d.txt”%(x : 1-998),999(DIR)为竞争做准备

  3. 在1.txt上设置oplock。

  4. 通过pipe与服务交互,使其停止服务,等待临时文件夹删除。

  5. 当oplock触发时,回调函数中直接删除其他所有文件。

  6. 释放oplock,此时tmptest为空,可以将test变为reparse point。

  7. 将tmptest指向RPC Control,将RPC Control999指向待删除文件夹。

  8. 等待目标文件夹被删除。

  9. 当oplock触发时,server.exe试图删除test下的所有文件,即使不存在。那么我们之前建立的大量垃圾文件可以趁此获得竞争窗口期。直接删除其他文件后,oplock一旦释放,test就会变成空文件夹,从而使得此文件夹可以替换成symlink。结合前面的删除操作,目标文件夹会被以高权限删除,导致漏洞。


  1. SetOplock.exe C:WindowsTemptmpapa32hjotest1.txt d

  2. CreateSymlink.exe C:WindowsTemptmpapa32hjotest999 C:Config.Msi


  1. 给1.txt上oplock,触发时会阻塞相关的进程。

  2. CreateSymlink.exe可以完成整个第7步,将C:WindowsTemptmpapa32hjotest指向RPC Control,将RPC Control999指向C:Config.Msi

Windows Symlink Attack的基本知识可以搜索James Forshaw的slides进行学习。




本题在Windows 11 Pro 23H2 26040.1000 上复现成功,获得了一个SYSTEM权限的cmd.exe。

技术说|挑战0解薛定谔!RWCTF6th PyGhost——symlink提权!



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技术说|挑战0解薛定谔!RWCTF6th PyGhost——symlink提权!

原文始发于微信公众号(长亭安全观察):技术说|挑战0解薛定谔!RWCTF6th PyGhost——symlink提权!

版权声明:admin 发表于 2024年3月21日 上午11:01。
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