Bypassing the block of Security Domain Restriction and normally invite blocked domains with special characters “İ”


Hey sub, Hope you are doing well today inshallah <3
I found a bug that allows the users to invite someone with a blocked domain in the project ..
If the owner for example made a rule that no one can invite emails of I would be able to invite them normally and break his rules with special charachters ..
We gonna use “İ” instead of “I” or “i”

Steps to reproduce:

  1. There sould be a rule at first blocking the domain for example, add it from: Settings ⇒ Security ⇒ Domain Restrictions ⇒ Deny Only ⇒ and add
  2. Go into your inviting dashboard from: Settings ⇒ Users ⇒ Invite Users
  3. If we tried to invite someone now with the blocked domain, We gonna get error saying:
    Image F2432936: Screen_Shot_2023-06-21_at_11.16.44_AM.png 887.66 KiB

    Bypassing the block of Security Domain Restriction and normally invite blocked domains with special characters “İ”

  4. Now Let’s Invite “email@yopmaİ” instead of “[email protected]
  5. Here we go, It’s invited successfully:
    Image F2432937: Screen_Shot_2023-06-21_at_11.17.31_AM.png 750.08 KiB

    Bypassing the block of Security Domain Restriction and normally invite blocked domains with special characters “İ”

  6. and I receive a message of inviation on the email normally:
    Image F2432938: Screen_Shot_2023-06-21_at_11.18.17_AM.png 715.87 KiB

    Bypassing the block of Security Domain Restriction and normally invite blocked domains with special characters “İ”

  7. Thank You <3



  • Breaking the owner’s rules and inviting a blocked domain to the project
  • rules violation

原文始发于bugsv2Bypassing the block of Security Domain Restriction and normally invite blocked domains with special characters “İ”
