Dangling Pointer Detector

A pointer is dangling when it references freed memory. Typical examples can be found here.

Dangling pointers are not a problem unless they are subsequently dereferenced and/or used for other purposes. Proving that pointers are unused has turned out to be difficult in general, especially in face of future modifications to the code. Hence, they are a source of UaF bugs and highly discouraged unless you are able to ensure that they can never be used after the pointed-to objects are freed.
悬空指针不是问题,除非它们随后被取消引用和/或用于其他目的。事实证明,证明指针未被使用通常是困难的,尤其是在面对未来对代码的修改时。因此,它们是 UaF 错误的来源,除非您能够确保在释放指向对象后永远无法使用它们,否则强烈建议不要使用它们。

See also the Dangling Pointers Guide for how to fix cases where dangling pointers occur.

Behind build flags, Chrome implements a dangling pointer detector. It causes Chrome to crash, whenever a raw_ptr becomes dangling:
在构建标志后面,Chrome 实现了一个悬空指针检测器。每当raw_ptr晃动时,它会导致 Chrome 崩溃:

raw_ptr<T> ptr_never_dangling;

On the other hand, we cannot simply ban all the usage of dangling pointers because there are valid use cases. The DisableDanglingPtrDetection option can be used to annotate “intentional-and-safe” dangling pointers. It is meant to be used as a last resort, only if there is no better way to re-architecture the code.
另一方面,我们不能简单地禁止所有悬空指针的使用,因为存在有效的用例。该 DisableDanglingPtrDetection 选项可用于批注“有意且安全”的悬空指针。它应该被用作最后的手段,只有在没有更好的方法来重新构建代码时。

raw_ptr<T, DisableDanglingPtrDetection> ptr_may_dangle;

The DanglingUntriaged option has been used to annotate pre-existing dangling pointers in Chrome:
该 DanglingUntriaged 选项已用于对 Chrome 中预先存在的悬空指针进行注释:

raw_ptr<T, DanglingUntriaged> ptr_dangling_mysteriously;

Contrary to DisableDanglingPtrDetection, we don’t know yet why it dangles. It is meant to be either refactored to avoid dangling, or turned into “DisableDanglingPtrDetection” with a comment explaining what happens.
与 DisableDanglingPtrDetection 此相反,我们还不知道它为什么会晃来晃去。它要么被重构以避免悬空,要么变成“DisableDanglingPtrDetection”,并带有解释会发生什么的注释。

How to check for dangling pointers?

On Linux, it is enabled by default on most configurations. To be precise: (is_debug or dcheck_always_on) and non is_official builds.
在 Linux 上,默认情况下,它在大多数配置中处于启用状态。准确地说:( is_debug 或 dcheck_always_on ) 和 non is_official builds。

For the other operating systems, this is gated by both build and runtime flags:

Build flags 生成标志

gn args ./out/dangling/
use_goma = true
is_debug = false  # Important! (*)
is_component_build = false  # Important! (*)
dcheck_always_on = true
enable_backup_ref_ptr_support = true  # true by default on some platforms
enable_dangling_raw_ptr_checks = true

(*) We want to emphasize that setting either is_debug = false or is_component_build = false is important. It is a common mistake to set is_debug to true, which in turn turns on component builds, which disables PartitionAlloc-Everywhere. enable_backup_ref_ptr_support = true can’t be used without PartitionAlloc-Everywhere, and is silently set to false.
(*)我们想强调的是,设置要么很重要,要么 is_debug = false is_component_build = false 很重要。设置为 is_debug true 是一个常见的错误,这反过来又会打开组件构建,从而禁用 PartitionAlloc-Everywhere。 enable_backup_ref_ptr_support = true 不能在没有 PartitionAlloc-Everywhere 的情况下使用,并且以静默方式设置为 false 。

Runtime flags 运行时标志

./out/dangling/content_shell \

By default, Chrome will crash on the first dangling raw_ptr detected.
默认情况下,Chrome 会在检测到第一个悬空raw_ptr时崩溃。

Runtime flags options: 运行时标志选项:

Mode parameter 模式参数

Crash (default) 崩溃(默认)


Record a list of signatures

Example usage: 用法示例:

./out/dangling/content_shell \
   --enable-features=PartitionAllocBackupRefPtr,PartitionAllocDanglingPtr:mode/log_only \
   |& tee output

The logs can be filtered and transformed into a tab separated table:

cat output \
 | grep "[DanglingSignature]" \
 | cut -f2,3,4,5 \
 | sort \
 | uniq -c \
 | sed -E 's/^ *//; s/ /\t/' \
 | sort -rn

This is used to list issues and track progresses.

Type parameter 类型参数

Select all dangling raw_ptr (default)

The option: type/all selects every dangling pointer.
选项: type/all 选择每个悬空指针。

Example usage: 用法示例:

./out/dangling/content_shell \

Select cross tasks dangling raw_ptr

The option: type/cross_task selects dangling pointers that are released in a different task than the one where the memory was freed. Those are more likely to cause UAF.
选项: type/cross_task 选择在与释放内存的任务不同的任务中释放的悬空指针。这些更有可能导致 UAF。

Example usage: 用法示例:

./out/dangling/content_shell \

Combination 组合

Both parameters can be combined, example usage:

./out/dangling/content_shell \
   --enable-features=PartitionAllocBackupRefPtr,PartitionAllocDanglingPtr:mode/log_only/type/cross_task \
   |& tee output

Alternative dangling pointer detector (experimental)

The dangling pointer detector above works only against certain heap allocated objects, but there is an alternate form that catches other cases such as pointers to out-of-scope stack variables or pointers to deallocated shared memory regions. The GN arguments to enable it are:
上面的悬空指针检测器仅对某些堆分配的对象起作用,但还有一种替代形式可以捕获其他情况,例如指向超出范围的堆栈变量的指针或指向已释放的共享内存区域的指针。启用它的 GN 参数是:


This will crash when the object containing the dangling ptr is destructed, giving the usual three-stack trace from ASAN showing where the deleted object was allocated and freed.
当包含悬空 ptr 的对象被破坏时,这将崩溃,从而给出 ASAN 中通常的三堆栈跟踪,显示已删除对象的分配和释放位置。

When running under this mode, there is no need to specify any –enable-features flag as above.
在此模式下运行时,无需指定任何 –enable-features 标志,如上所述。

原文始发于chromium:Dangling Pointer Detector

版权声明:admin 发表于 2024年3月23日 上午12:15。
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