Hacking Electronic Flight Bags. Airbus NAVBLUE Flysmart+ Manager

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Hacking Electronic Flight Bags. Airbus NAVBLUE Flysmart+ Manager

We’ve been testing the security of a number of different electronic flight bag, or EFB, applications for a few years now. Here’s the latest on that now it has been remediated, 19 months after our initial disclosure to Airbus.

TL;DR 左心室,右心室

  • Flysmart+ is a suite of apps for pilot EFBs, helping deliver efficient and safe departure and arrival of flights
  • One of the iOS appshad ATS (App Transport Security) intentionally disabled, together with any form of certificate validation, exposing the app to interception attacks over Wi-Fi
  • This could enable tampering with, for example, the engine performance calculations, potentially resulting in a tailstrike or runway excursion on departure
  • Airline EFBs can be exposed to interception on untrusted networks given pilot layover hotels are well known and used consistently each night
  • Airline Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) during cross checks would be unlikely to detect any tampering
  • Airbus responded quickly to our disclosure and resolved the issue

NAVBLUE are an Airbus owned IT services company. This post is about their EFB management app called Flysmart+ Manager. This how they describe it:
NAVBLUE是空客旗下的IT服务公司。这篇文章是关于他们的EFB管理应用程序称为Flysmart+ Manager。他们是这样描述的:

“Flysmart+ for iPad FS+ Manager is an application developed by NAVBLUE enabling the synchronization and the installation of the Airline’s data into the other available Flysmart+ for iPad Apps.”
FlysmartTM + for iPad FS+ Manager是NAVBLUE开发的一款应用程序,可以将航空公司的数据同步并安装到其他可用的FlysmartTM + for iPad应用程序中。”

“The FS+ Manger App is the center of the Apps Suite.”
“FS+ Manger应用程序是应用程序套件的中心。”

We found that the Flysmart+ Manager application had an important security control disabled, meaning that it could communicate with servers using insecure methods. With that control disabled an attacker could potentially modify aircraft performance data or adjust airport information e.g. runway lengths.
我们发现Flysmart+ Manager应用程序禁用了一个重要的安全控制,这意味着它可以使用不安全的方法与服务器通信。在该控制被禁用的情况下,攻击者可能会修改飞机性能数据或调整机场信息,例如跑道长度。

The details 细节

The app did not have any ATS protection, it had been disabled. We think this was probably done at some point in the past to suit a particular airline client that was struggling to implement Flysmart+. It affected all users of the app though.

ATS is a security mechanism that forces the application to use HTTPS, preventing unencrypted communications. An attacker could use this weakness to intercept and decrypt potentially sensitive information in transit.

With ATS disabled, insecure communication happens. It makes the app susceptible to interception where an attacker could force a victim to use the unencrypted HTTP protocol while forwarding the data to the real server, encrypted.

An entry in the info.plist file alongside the app allows insecure HTTP loads to any domain. In the code excerpt below NSAllowsArbitraryLoads is included with the value set to true, which disables ATS:

Hacking Electronic Flight Bags. Airbus NAVBLUE Flysmart+ Manager

Current Apple guidelines state:

“You must supply a justification during App Store review if you set the key’s value to YES (true), as described in Provide Justification for Exceptions. Use this key with caution because it significantly reduces the security of your app. In most cases, it’s better to upgrade your servers to meet the requirements imposed by ATS, or at least to use a narrower exception.”
“如果您将键的值设置为YES(true),则必须在App Store审核期间提供理由,如提供验证理由中所述。请谨慎使用此密钥,因为它会显著降低应用的安全性。在大多数情况下,最好升级服务器以满足ATS的要求,或者至少使用范围更窄的例外。”

This requirement is not enforced on applications which were uploaded before this it was introduced.

The issue allowed us to view the data being downloaded from the NAVBLUE Servers:

Hacking Electronic Flight Bags. Airbus NAVBLUE Flysmart+ Manager

A lot of these files were SQLite databases containing information on specific aircraft, as well as take-off performance data (PERF). An example of one database contained the following tables names:

Database tables 数据库表

Hacking Electronic Flight Bags. Airbus NAVBLUE Flysmart+ Manager

Many of these database tables are important to the performance, or weight and balance (see ‘WB’ above) of an aircraft

‘MEL’ refers to the Minimum Equipment List, so which systems are permitted to be inoperative for a flight. Changing this risks in-flight issues. The Gimli Glider incident is an example of a MEL misunderstanding contributing to a flight safety problem.
“MEL”指的是最低设备清单,因此哪些系统允许在飞行中被禁用。改变这一点会带来飞行中的问题。Gimli Glider事件是MEL误解导致飞行安全问题的一个例子。

‘SID’ refers to a Standard Instrument Departure, so how an aircraft safely departs from an airport.

Even something as simple as the choice of units has led to safety problems. Confusion between US gallons, imperial gallons, litres, kilograms and pounds caused the Gimli Glider fuel starvation incident.

Further analysis of the database suggested that integrity checks were being performed locally:

Hacking Electronic Flight Bags. Airbus NAVBLUE Flysmart+ ManagerHacking Electronic Flight Bags. Airbus NAVBLUE Flysmart+ Manager

That would allow, for example, tampering with all engine performance calculation data, though the checksum issue is mitigated by the fix to the ATS issue.

Practical attack 实际攻击

The application update cycle is in-line with updates to the Aeronautical Information Regulation and Control (AIRAC) database:

“Aeronautical information is constantly changing: airspace structures and routes are revised, navigation aids change, SIDs and STARs are amended, runway and taxiway information changes. It is essential, for both efficiency and safety, that pilots, dispatchers, air traffic controllers, air traffic flow managers, flight management systems and aeronautical charts all have the same information working from the same information base.

This can only be achieved by adhering to the AIRAC schedule.”

This means that pilots would likely update the application once a month.

Given that airlines typically use the same hotel for pilots who are down route / on a layover, an attacker could target the hotel’s Wi-Fi networks with the goal of modifying aircraft performance data.

It’s quite easy to identify pilots in layover hotels. It’s also fairly easy to identify the airline and therefore the suite of EFB apps they are likely to be using.

Disclosure timeline 披露时间轴

28th June 2022: vulnerability report sent to [email protected] using the PGP key, as described on the Airbus ‘contact us’ page here: https://www.airbus.com/en/airbus-contact-us
28 th 2022年6月:使用PGP密钥将漏洞报告发送到[email protected],如空客“联系我们”页面所述https://www.airbus.com/en/airbus-contact-us

29th June 2022: receipt acknowledged, tracking reference was provided.
29 th 2022年6月:确认接收,提供跟踪参考。

25th July 2022: response from Airbus, confirming that they had replicated the issue. A fix would be provided for the next version of Flysmart+, due by the end of 2022.
25 th 2022年7月:空客的回应,确认他们已经复制了这个问题。Flysmart+的下一个版本将在2022年底之前提供修复程序。

We understand that aviation software has to be certified to be safe so were not overly surprised by the expected remediation timeline.

22nd Feb 2023: We contacted the Airbus VDP team to ask if the fix had been pushed in the latest version of Flysmart+, given we were well in to the new year.
22 nd 2023年2月:我们联系了空客VDP团队,询问是否在最新版本的Flysmart+中推出了修复程序,因为我们已经进入了新的一年。

26th May 2023: Airbus replied, confirming that the ‘mitigation measure’ had been communicated to customers.

We asked if we could blog about the issue, now that it had been fixed. We referenced successful coordinated disclosure of similar EFB issues with Boeing and Lufthansa Systems.

We finally heard back from Airbus on 24th October, declining to comment on the blog or thank us publicly, but asking for one change, which we were happy to agree to.

We presented our findings at the DEF CON 31 Aerospace Village in August, and also at the Aviation ISAC in Dublin in September.
我们在8月的DEF CON 31航空航天村和9月的都柏林航空ISAC上展示了我们的发现。

Since then, we have asked Airbus several times for further updates and for any words or comment they would like included in this post, but we’ve had no response.

Conclusion 结论

We’ve now worked on disclosures with BoeingLufthansa, and Airbus. These experiences have shown how different disclosure in aviation is compared with other industries. The biggest difference is in the timescales, from the initial disclosure, to remediation, to publishing.

Given the challenges of aviation cyber we’re sympathetic to long remediation times. For this reason it’s important to understand the nuances of the industry and avoid hasty public disclosure.

We’re really pleased that the vulnerability was successfully closed which is a win for aviation safety and security.

原文始发于AVIATION CYBER SECURITY:Hacking Electronic Flight Bags. Airbus NAVBLUE Flysmart+ Manager

版权声明:admin 发表于 2024年2月8日 上午8:33。
转载请注明:Hacking Electronic Flight Bags. Airbus NAVBLUE Flysmart+ Manager | CTF导航
