A Day in the Life of a Cyber Threat Analyst 网络威胁分析员的一天

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A Day in the Life of 

a Cyber Threat Analyst

As a Cyber Threat Analyst, my days often involve delving into the murky depths of cyber threats, and sometimes, this journey takes me into the enigmatic and unknow places of the web. This narrative unfolds a typical day in my role, centered around the alerts and one case that involves an actor exploiting a zero-day vulnerability of ACME CORP product. 

作为一名网络威胁分析员,我每天经常要接触到网络威胁的泥淖深处,有时,这段旅程会把我带入网络中神秘未知的角落。这篇文章讲述了我一天的常规工作,主要围绕威胁警报和一个涉及攻击者利用 ACME CORP 产品零日漏洞的案例展开。

I invite you to join me in my daily journey to discover and assess this cyber threat. 


Before starting I will give a brief introduction to Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI). 



The Essence of CTI

CTI 的本质

At its core, Cyber Threat Intelligence is the process of collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data regarding potential or current cyber threats and attacks. This intelligence is not just a repository of data, it is an amalgamation of insights that enable organizations to make informed decisions about their security posture. 


Threat Intelligence Sources 


CTI is derived from a myriad of sources – human intelligence (HUMINT), technical intelligence, network sensors, open-source intelligence (OSINT) including portals, webs, forums, social networks, markets, chats, communication channels, etc. 

网络威胁情报的来源多种多样——人类情报 (HUMINT)、技术情报、网络传感器、开源情报 (OSINT),包括门户网站、网络、论坛、社交网络、市场、聊天、通信渠道等。

The Process of Gathering CTI 


Gathering CTI is a meticulous process involving several stages: 


1. Collection: Collecting the organization requirements, accumulating data from various sources. 


2. Analysis: Sifting through data to identify meaningful patterns, indicators, relationships, trends. 


3. Dissemination: Sharing intelligence with relevant personnel. 


4. Feedback: Using the outcomes of shared intelligence to refine the CTI process. 


A Day in the Life of a Cyber Threat Analyst 网络威胁分析员的一天

CTI simple process


CTI Products 


The result of all the CTI process generates reports that are designed to inform and guide organizations in their cybersecurity efforts. These products vary in scope, detail, and purpose, catering to different levels of decision-making within an organization. Here are some examples of typical CTI products: 


1. Threat Intelligence Reports: Detailed documents that provide in-depth analysis of specific threats. 


2. Threat Briefings: Regular briefings or bulletins that provide updates on the latest cyber threats, vulnerabilities, and incidents. 


3. Risk Assessments: Reports that evaluate the potential impact of identified threats on an organization. 


4. Threat Feeds: Automated streams of intelligence that provide real-time data on threats, such as IoCs, malicious IP addresses, URLs, and hash values. These feeds can be integrated into security tools like SIEM systems for automated alerting and response. 

威胁反馈:提供实时威胁数据(如IoC、恶意 IP 地址、URL 和哈希值)的自动情报流。这些反馈可集成到SIEM系统等安全工具中,用于自动报警和响应。

5. Incident Reports: Detailed analysis of cybersecurity incidents that have occurred either within the organization or in other organizations. 


6. Vulnerability Alerts and Advisories: Notifications about new vulnerabilities and patches.  


7. Strategic Analysis Reports: High-level reports aimed at executive leadership, providing an overview of the cyber threat landscape.  


8. Sector-Specific Threat Intelligence: Intelligence products tailored to specific industries or sectors, addressing unique threats and challenges faced by those sectors (like finance, healthcare, energy, etc.). 


9. Threat Actor Profiles: Detailed profiles of known cybercriminal groups or individuals, including their history, motivations, methods, and known targets. 


10. Phishing and Social Engineering Reports: Specialized reports focusing on tactics used in phishing and social engineering campaigns, including analysis of phishing email trends, spear-phishing tactics, and defensive recommendations. 



Day to Day in CTI Analyst 


Now after the brief and concise introduction on what the CTI analyst does, let’s go into my day. 


8:00 AM: The day starts early with a review of overnight alerts, more than 1100 alerts for today. This is a normal task that I and most of all analysts around the world should go through his day. Automatization can be performed here to take care of some false positives, but it is difficult (in my case I used two in house developed tools). This step is important, it is where we profile and find the threats. 


For those who do not know how one CTI alert looks like, please check the image below.  


A Day in the Life of a Cyber Threat Analyst 网络威胁分析员的一天

Example or CTI alert


This is only one third of one alert; as you saw there are a lot of alerts and most of the alerts are false positives (this is not “magic,”) and our work is to find the needle in the haystack. 



9:30 AM: After filtering the most obvious false positives, continue with the pre-selected alerts checking it more in depth. In this step, the ACME leak breach exploit alert pops up, that alert was made using keywords related to leaks, exploit and ACME, also in the three most used languages of the world; the objective behind this alert is to catch any undetected leak, POC or unknown exploit (zero-day vulnerability). 

上午9:30:过滤掉最明显的误报后,我继续对预选警报进行更深入的核查。在这步中,ACME泄密或漏洞利用告警弹出,该警报使用了与泄密、利用和 ACME 相关的关键词以及世界上最常用的三种语言,旨在捕捉任何未检测到的泄密、POC 或未知利用(0Day漏洞)。

This time the alert was triggered because the messages contain our English key words and ACME; at first sight doesn’t looks very promising, but because our work force us to be meticulous, I dig in it finding they are talking about one unknown technique and exploit to bypass a security measure in one famous ACME product. The new finding turned my inner awareness sense to a high-priority investigation mode. 


A Day in the Life of a Cyber Threat Analyst 网络威胁分析员的一天

10:30 AM: Using OSINT and the initial data (the name of the bad actors and the name of the bypassed security measure), start to look for the source of the alert. First, using different search engines, checking for bad actor names, general information to understand them, what the bypassed technology do, where is used and ACME product forum. Also searched in specific CTI forum and different communication channel.  

上午10:30:利用OSINT和初始数据(恶意攻击者和被绕过的安全措施的名称)寻找警报来源。首先,使用不同的搜索引擎,核对恶意攻击者的名称、了解其基本信息、被绕过的技术的用途、作用对象以及 ACME产品论坛。同时在特定的CTI论坛和不同的通信渠道进行搜索。

11:30 AM: After searching in many places, reading different articles and feeds, finally discovered the actors are part of “M team”, a new created team of cyber hacktivist specialized in finding security flaws and development of exploits on UR security measures. Also discover his web page, where they speak out saying: “we are going to release the exploit in December in here, stay put!” The website also has the list of team members. 

上午11:30:经过多方搜索,阅读不同的文章和信息源,终于发现这些攻击者属于“M团队”,该团队是一个新成立的网络黑客团队,专门寻找安全漏洞并开发针对UR安全措施的漏洞。我还找到了该团队的网页,页面显示 “我们将于12月在这里发布漏洞利用程序,敬请期待!“,网站上还有其团队成员名单。

In that moment and according with the risk evaluation matrix (check image bellow) , the threat likelihood status increases from possible to very likely (the maximum value before complete confirmation), they look serious enough about it to create a web page and speak out, but I am still facing the next problems: 


1. I don’t have the exploit or detailed information to verify by myself the threat. 

2. I cannot assess the impact of the threat, i don’t have a complete view to see if the exploit use ACME product or how they bypass our UR technology. 

1. 我需要验证情报真实性的漏洞或详细信息。

2. 我需要评估该威胁的影响,因为我无法确定该漏洞是否影响ACME产品,或者他们是如何绕过我们的UR技术的。

A Day in the Life of a Cyber Threat Analyst 网络威胁分析员的一天

risk evaluation matrix 


11:45 AM: With the urgency of the situation, I continued my research finding a public chat channel on D platform, after joining it I found the team use it to discuss about his activities and contain at least three months of conversations. In that moment, I realized they have a sub-thread where they share technical information about one project called S, the same name used to publicize the exploit. Finally, I can get hands on the the source or at least technical information. 


12:30 PM: A quick lunch break provides a brief of the incident with Mr. Jiang, and Boss, though the case weighs heavily on my mind. 


1:30 PM: Post-lunch, start to familiarize with the sub-thread, the investigation intensifies because of the large amount of information on it, including discussions in other languages that I do not understand, but focusing on my target “find the technical information help me understand what is the vulnerability that allow them to bypass the UR security measure and how ACME is involved in this matter.” 


3:00 PM: Finally, I found the target. In the thread I located a kind of writeup, step by step, and what tools are needed to bypass UR security. The Guide contains a set of public URLs that belong to ACME, where the actors download key components (keys and files) for this bypass technique. 


A Day in the Life of a Cyber Threat Analyst 网络威胁分析员的一天



4:00 PM: After analyse all the acquired information, and after contact with the correspondent product lines, we discover the files in ACME URLS are the key of all the bypass technique, without those files, the technique scope is limited and should be performed case by case without automatisation capability. Also, according to ACME data security classification those files are catalogued as internal, that means those files and keys should not be publicly accessible! 

下午4:00:在分析了全部所获信息并与相应的产品线取得联系后,我们发现ACME URLS中的文件是所有绕过技术的关键,如果没有这些文件,技术范围就会受限,而且必须逐个执行,无法实现自动化。此外,根据ACME的数据安全分类规定,这些文件只记录在内部,意味着这些文件和密钥不得被公开访问!

4:30 PM: After all the analysis and correspondent verification, reassess the threat as High, because the consequences of this threat in ACME can be severe, and the likelihood of the threat are very likely. 

下午4:30:经过一系列分析并与接口人核实后,我将威胁等级重新评估为 “高度”,因为 ACME中的这一威胁可能会造成严重后果,而且威胁发生的可能性非常大。

After that and according with our play books, I call a meeting with Mr. Jiang, my manager and brief him about the finding, he also help me to perform one of the most essential steps in CTI the essential “peer review”; the conclusion of the meeting was, “Document all your findings and assess in one report, we are going to inform ACME product line in 1 hour”. 


A Day in the Life of a Cyber Threat Analyst 网络威胁分析员的一天

Threat Report


5:30 PM: After creating the threat report and Mr. Jiang approve it, we contact the director of that business unit, informing him all the findings, where is the problem, what are the compromised URLs, the assess of the threat and finally the potential consequences of the threat. Following he ask us for half hour to contact his technical team to verify our findings and will reach us back. 


A Day in the Life of a Cyber Threat Analyst 网络威胁分析员的一天

Documentation and record platform 


6:00 PM: The director reaches us back telling us they need 1 hour to remediate the compromised URLs problem (the most urgent). For the initial technical problem, they need two days to assess the problem with the technique staff and after that he estimates they need 4 days. At the end he asks us to wait one hour to verify if the URLs problem is fixed.  


6:45 PM: We revisited the URLs and the content already wasn’t available, also we sent request to some search engines to delete the cache related to those URLs. 


7:00 PM: Before calling it a day, send a message to the product line director confirming the remediation and documenting all the findings in our system. 


At the end of the week, I received a letter of thanks for the timely and high-value intelligence that helped the product department avoid another major security incident, and they hope we can continue to gather threat intelligence for product security.





This is an exhaustive yet intriguing and valuable day in the life of a Cyber Threat Analyst, despite many people thinking this job is easy and can be completely automatized using a one big button tool.  


I hope this case highlights the intricate nature of investigating threats. At the beginning I perceived this threat as a Low Med (minor impact, possible likelihood), but just before completing the investigation, it turned out to be High level threat. 


– END –

翻译 | 八哥 


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● 移动APP隐私安全,做到这些就够了

● PE文件格式

● 车联网安全思考

● 安全实验室受邀参加看雪安全开发者峰会分享安全研究成果


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A Day in the Life of a Cyber Threat Analyst 网络威胁分析员的一天

原文始发于微信公众号(联想全球安全实验室):A Day in the Life of a Cyber Threat Analyst 网络威胁分析员的一天

版权声明:admin 发表于 2024年1月12日 下午1:40。
转载请注明:A Day in the Life of a Cyber Threat Analyst 网络威胁分析员的一天 | CTF导航


