SSH ProxyCommand == unexpected code execution (CVE-2023-51385)

渗透技巧 4个月前 admin
111 0 0

Summary 总结

SSH’s ProxyCommand is a feature quite widely used to proxy ssh connections by allowing to specify custom commands to be used to connect to the server. Arguments to this directive may contain tokens like %h%u which refer to hostname and username respectively.
SSH ProxyCommand 是一项非常广泛用于代理 ssh 连接的功能,它允许指定用于连接到服务器的自定义命令。此指令的参数可能包含类似 %h 的标记, %u 它们分别引用主机名和用户名。

When coming from untrusted sources, a hostname can be malicious and look something like `malicious-command` (backticks would allow a command to be executed in shell)
当来自不受信任的来源时,主机名可能是恶意的,看起来像“malicious-command”(反引号将允许在 shell 中执行命令)

More info in docs which describe this feature in detail

Let’s review an example

Taking an example based on the docs

Host *
  ProxyCommand /usr/bin/nc -X connect -x %h %p

In this case, there is no sanitization of hostname and if %h contains a malicious hostname, it may allow command execution.
在这种情况下,不会对主机名进行审查,如果 %h 包含恶意主机名,则可能允许命令执行。

Can I haz PoC?
我可以对 PoC 进行 haz 吗?

What good is all this without a PoC? So here we go! Once you have added the above example to your .ssh/config, try following which should pop a calculator on OS X.
没有PoC,这一切有什么用?所以,我们开始吧!将上述示例添加到您的 .ssh/config 示例后,请尝试按照以下步骤在OS X上弹出一个计算器。

git clone --recurse-submodules

Even if the ProxyCommand is being used with single quotes to sanitize arguments i.e. ‘%h’, it is not sufficient since an attacker controlled hostname might itself contain a single quote and defeat quoting.
即使 ProxyCommand 与单引号一起使用来清理参数,即“%h”,这还不够,因为攻击者控制的主机名本身可能包含单引号并失败引号。

PoC 2: 概念验证 2:

git clone --recurse-submodules

Remediation 修复

Update to: 更新到:

Vulnerable usage out in the wild

CVEs and references CVE 和参考资料

My sincere thanks to:

  • Kevin Roh @ Okta for brilliant triaging and impact assessment
    Kevin Roh @ Okta 提供出色的分类和影响评估
  • Jakub Jelen @ libssh for timely follow up and communication
    Jakub Jelen @ libssh 及时跟进和沟通
  • Damien Miller and others @ Openssh for patches and discussions
    Damien Miller 和其他人 @ Openssh 进行补丁和讨论
  • Maintainers @ Git for discussions to define a potential trust boundary between ssh and git
    维护者 @ Git 进行讨论,以定义 ssh 和 git 之间的潜在信任边界


原文始发于Vin01’s Blog:SSH ProxyCommand == unexpected code execution (CVE-2023-51385)

版权声明:admin 发表于 2023年12月26日 上午9:04。
转载请注明:SSH ProxyCommand == unexpected code execution (CVE-2023-51385) | CTF导航


