中国圏拠点のMustang Pandaがマルウェア「Claimloader」で標的型攻撃、日本にも影響か

ラックの石川です。 2022年11月、ラックの脅威分析チームは、中国圏を拠点とするMustang Pandaと呼ばれる攻撃者グループがフィリピン政府組織または関連組織...



以朝鲜黑客为例看如何利用 VirusTotal 进行样本拓线

近期,Mandiant 披露了名为 UNC4034 的 APT 组织利用 WhatsApp 发起的针对性攻击。研究人员认为这次攻击行动与自从 2020 年开始的、代号为 Dream Job 的攻击...

They See Me Roaming: Following APT29 by Taking a Deeper Look at Windows Credential Roaming

In early 2022, Mandiant detected and responded to an incident where APT29 successfully phished a European diplomatic entity and ultimately abused t...

Hack the Real Box: APT41’s New Subgroup Earth Longzhi

In early 2022, we investigated an incident that compromised a company in Taiwan. The malware used in the incident was a simple but custom Cobalt St...

뉴스 설문지로 위장하여 유포 중인 악성 워드 문서

ASEC 분석팀은 ‘대북 관련 특정인을 타겟으로 하는 악성 워드 문서’에서 확인된 워드 문서 유형이 최근 FTP를 이용하여 사용자 정보를 유출하는 것을 확인하...


研究背景2022年8月份国内发布了一份报告《南亚Patchwork APT组织新活动特点分析》,里面提及到存在针对国内的攻击痕迹,里面的样本当时都属于私有样本,外部...



APT-36 Uses New TTPs and New Tools to Target Indian Governmental Organizations

Summary APT-36 (also known as Transparent Tribe) is an advanced persistent threat group attributed to Pakistan that primarily targets users working...


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