Bypassing Cortex XDR

渗透技巧 2年前 (2022) admin
3,841 0 0

Analyzing Cortex XDR and finding ways to bypass it.


This article was written in July 2021 but publishing was delayed to allow the security team an opportunity to fix the findings. Unfortunately, as of today the findings have not been fixed yet.

All the methods require administrator/root privileges unless mentioned otherwise.

Disable Cortex Agent

To disable the Cortex XDR agent one registry key needs to be modified. This works despite having tamper protection enabled.

The registry key is located at . Modify the DLL to a random value.HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\CryptSvc\Parameters\ServiceDll

Bypassing Cortex XDR

To modify the registry key using the command line, use the command shown below.

reg add HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\CryptSvc\Parameters /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /v ServiceDll /d mrd0x.dll /f

After rebooting the machine this should happen:

Bypassing Cortex XDR

Default Uninstall Password (Windows/OSX/Linux)

Cortex XDR has various global settings, one of which is the ‘global uninstall password’. By default the password is Password1 and if the administrators did not change it then it’s trivial to disable the XDR agent.


Head to and find . There are various commands you can run if the default password was not changed, some of which are listed below:C:\Program Files\Palo Alto Networks\Trapscytool.exe

# Disables the agent on startup (requires reboot to work)
cytool.exe startup disable

# Disables protection on Cortex XDR files, processes, registry and services
cytool.exe protect disable

# Disables Cortex XDR (Even with tamper protection enabled)
cytool.exe runtime disable

# Disables event collection
cytool.exe event_collection disable


On Mac you would go to this path instead and use . You can use the same commands as mentioned above./Library/Application Support/PaloAltoNetworks/Traps/bincytool

Interestingly, inside the folder there’s another executable with the name which allows you to uninstall the agent if you have the uninstall password./bintraps_uninstaller_tool


Cortex XDR agents on Linux have no uninstall password. If you’re root then go to and use to uninstall Cortex./opt/traps/bincytool

Cortex Password Hash (Windows/OSX/Linux)

In case the default password was changed, we can grab the hash and try to crack it.


Head to and in there you’ll find a few ldb files. You only need to focus on the largest ldb file.C:\ProgramData\Cyvera\LocalSystem\Persistence\agent_settings.db

Now for this to work you’ll need Sysinternals Strings64.exe. A better way would be to copy the ldb file to an offline machine and use strings there.

Run the following command:

# Windows strings
strings64.exe <ldb_file> > out.txt

# Linux strings
strings <ldb_file> > out.txt

The output file will have the password in the same algorithm but encoded differently. PasswordHash is base64 encoded whereas password is hex encoded. Feel free to use whichever one along with it’s salt value. Example values are below (The password is Password1):




I created a simple Python script with the following parameters that successfully cracked the hash.

  • Hash Algorithm: PBKDF2
  • HMAC: SHA512
  • Iterations: 11,112

Dump Hash Without Elevated Privileges (Windows)

There is a way to access the persistence folder on Windows without administrator privileges. If you have GUI access, open the XDR agent’s console and click ‘Generate Support File’. This creates a dump of the persistence folder which can be accessed without administrator privileges.

Bypassing Cortex XDR


Head to and use the strings command as shown above. The rest is exactly the same./Library/Application Support/PaloAltoNetworks/Traps/persist/agent_settings.db


The uninstall password hash is available in ./opt/traps/persist/agent_settings.db


Patching is not always as quick as we’d like it to be and I feel for the security team. Therefore, I generally provide them more than enough time to patch before disclosing bugs. Unfortunately, having ~300 days passed and the security team still unable to even provide an ETA, I felt it’s appropriate to move along with disclosure.


原文始发于mr.d0x:Bypassing Cortex XDR

版权声明:admin 发表于 2022年4月14日 下午12:28。
转载请注明:Bypassing Cortex XDR | CTF导航


